From experience, GG script (http://gamingonstero...itzcrank-taric/) is where its at
Climbing on multiple smurfs at the moment
From experience, GG script (http://gamingonstero...itzcrank-taric/) is where its at
Climbing on multiple smurfs at the moment
what do u suggest using for top lane
soraka supp on pussy aio is fkn slappin made me reach diamond
soraka supp on pussy aio is fkn slappin made me reach diamond
u change any of the healing settings for her ?
soraka supp on pussy aio is fkn slappin made me reach diamond
happy to read that, soraka op atm
what do u suggest using for top lane
u can try Jax, Irelia, Akshan, Vayne, Gwen, Morde, Quinn...
Akshan support only Q but the champs is broken atm (thayt why i rated him "A" only)
Irelia is not perfect but can do the job
Jax/Gwen/Morde Work fine but its not spacebartowin
Vayne/Quinn/corki/ do the job overall
u change any of the healing settings for her ?
i didn't change anything except for the auto r on certain champs
Pussy irelia is so bad why ranked her in your list? Dns irelia works way better.
Pussy irelia is so bad why ranked her in your list? Dns irelia works way better.
What is the T4IAO? where can i found it for talon?
What is the T4IAO? where can i found it for talon?
14AIO include in aristo's package
When do we get the next scripting patch tier list?
what midlaners do u suggest with which scripts
just cant carry as adc when my mid top feeds
When do we get the next scripting patch tier list?
yeah i could do some v2 but ur gp isnt on point
what midlaners do u suggest with which scripts
just cant carry as adc when my mid top feeds
yeah i could do some v2
but ur gp isnt on point
It does combos better than me
i want to practice jungle what champs u suggest with what scripts
i want to practice jungle what champs u suggest with what scripts
RekSai is OP right now.
Kha'Zix (PussyAIO) I find to be quite good as well.
RekSai is OP right now.
Kha'Zix (PussyAIO) I find to be quite good as well.
thanks i dont like khaz and never played reksai i might after try him
Graves is always a good jungler as well.
Those are my 3 picks in the jungle
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