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My personal scripts Tierlist

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u prefer pussy or dns jinx?

pussy because u can disable e and r from combo, and use e only on cc target/gap closer, and r for ks 

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any pick for adc on low elo (gold 2) is good?

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any pick for adc on low elo (gold 2) is good?

IMO any "meta" adc can work. Check strong adcs on google for the current patch and play them with the scripts. 

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My experience is that most scripts randomly stop working in the middle of playing or just seemingly randomly don't use abilities when they are up, causing you to get killed when winning the fight really would have been quite easy. Sometimes, you will combo just fine and one shot the enemy, other times you will walk around with space bar held down, use no abilities, and just die for free. Especially pussyaio is completely unusable due to this, it oftentimes just does not do anything at all and you just die. The Soraka one is the best out of those, but even then it does some weird things and just works better with an alternative AIO.

WRAIO is okay, but feels pretty slow. Some of it is functional but it does not really seem to give you much of an advantage, it's pretty "fair", I'd say. The waveclear and lasthitting features tend to be strong, though.

For me, GGAIO is definitely the most powerful AIO. It just feels so responsive, everything comes out when they should, you don't miss auto attacking time, the kiting's insane and sometimes it fully autocombos an enemy that just came within vision to death before you even have time to react. The main issue is that some of the logic feels quite weird. For example, the Varus one just does not work correctly at all and requires a complete logic rework, it is pretty much unusable no matter the settings you choose. The Vayne, Ezreal, Kog'Maw, and especially Jhin are bonkers, though. And some of my own scripts that I with my limited skills have made for GGAIO have also been very responsive and powerful. However, GGAIO waveclear logic is not very good and it doesn't seem to take Sheen into account either, which means that you're probably going to have to clear manually at least if you play Ezreal - WRAIO's wave clear for Ezreal is far better. 

Other than GGAIO, the only other script that has stood out to me is the 14Yasuo_Vol2 one. Still, that one, too, suffers from the inconsistency of everything other than GGAOI. Sometimes it's great, other times it does seemingly random things and gets you killed when killing the enemy really would have been quite easy.

The series, seriesv2, seriesmelee etc. series are alright but all of them have some strange things going on when I've tried. They're probably slightly below WRAIO but far below GGAIO. The exception is Aphelios, I think that the Aphelios script is pretty nuts and one of the top scripts. Just have sniper and chakram in a teamfight. 

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try guys ap kog maw its really strong

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On the kogmaw script they stand in range of R at low hp and he simply doesn't cast r on them.
It cast r once initially when they fell low on hp and missed, then they remained in range and it didn't do it again, had plenty of mana.

Its the same issue that LastEcho describes where they just stop casting ability's randomly. Saw it with xarath  (DnsFinest.lua) where he was ulting and stopped on the final cast which would of secured the kill. 
Tried brand against the bots and its the same issue, he dose a rotation sometimes and other times nothing when ur holding down the combo button.

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How good is the brand W prediction ? 

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From my experience, with some minor code adjustments, I've found the highest success on:


- Pussy AIO's Syndra, Kha'Zix, Eve and Graves

- Project Winrate's Lucian is so broken.

- GGAIO Ezreal is also quite good.


PussyAIO is my go-to script.

I definitely use Syndra quite a fair bit, you can get a massive cs lead with good lane bullying.

Could you possibly share the minor code adjustments? :)

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