Graves is always a good jungler as well.
Those are my 3 picks in the jungle
i was thinking of trying kindred what u think of him
Graves is always a good jungler as well.
Those are my 3 picks in the jungle
i was thinking of trying kindred what u think of him
i was thinking of trying kindred what u think of him
14aio kindred is very good mechanically. I found it easy to get a lot of kills, I just don't know enough about the champion to carry.
14aio kindred is very good mechanically. I found it easy to get a lot of kills, I just don't know enough about the champion to carry.
yeh i will try kindred or talon or maybe gwen top am bored of adc
i want to practice jungle what champs u suggest with what scripts
u can try reksai/elise from devereux, talon get nerfed but still ok, kindred, graves, mumu, rengar, lillia, kayn, personnaly i sux jungle i had succes with talon only when it was op
any space bar win champs?
we need a new kaisa script
we need a new kaisa script
sounds good
go to space bar champs that helped me reach diamond 1 atm
GG- ez, blitz
lazy xerath but have to disable dnsactivor b/c you get errors. also it doesnt have lane clear but its xerath u dont need it, not that hard
pussyaio- soraka
for ez i go for the assassin 1 shot build mid
go to space bar champs that helped me reach diamond 1 atm
GG- ez, blitz
lazy xerath but have to disable dnsactivor b/c you get errors. also it doesnt have lane clear but its xerath u dont need it, not that hard
pussyaio- soraka
for ez i go for the assassin 1 shot build mid
what assassin 1 shot build ?
what assassin 1 shot build ?
crown essence reaver
go to space bar champs that helped me reach diamond 1 atm
GG- ez, blitz
lazy xerath but have to disable dnsactivor b/c you get errors. also it doesnt have lane clear but its xerath u dont need it, not that hard
pussyaio- soraka
for ez i go for the assassin 1 shot build mid
I also enjoy playing Xer, I mostly play DnsMages due to the better R usage compared to sometimes buggy on in finest. I have to check Lazy again then maybe, didnt know its still viable^^
DId you try dnsMages and finest?
I also enjoy playing Xer, I mostly play DnsMages due to the better R usage compared to sometimes buggy on in finest. I have to check Lazy again then maybe, didnt know its still viable^^
DId you try dnsMages and finest?
i tryed dnsmages and finest and i think lazy is alot better just no farm
Alright nice, I ll give it a try
Where do you get Dnssimplekite?
I can confirm kog AP is broken atm, will be my rank climber, dont use the AD, the AP is so much better with the GG script
i tryed dnsmages and finest and i think lazy is alot better just no farm
yea i tried both but lazy is just way better in my opinion, just no farm but like is xerath pret ezy
still waiting for V2
still waiting for V2
Hey, im sorry, i was playing Elden Ring for the last month i didnt play league at all, i ll back soon and make a V2 i promise
u prefer pussy or dns jinx?
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