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armorPen & armorPenPercent + Tower names info

armorPenPercent armorPen Lethality Towers tower Turret

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    Advanced Member

  • Scripts Developer
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Reworking DamageLib and noticed a few things


unit.armorPenPercent is a bit weird at first glance
It returns 1 if you have 0% for 100%

unit.armorPenPercent returns 1 - the% 
0.81999999284744 if 18% from Last Whisper
0.69999998807907 if 30% from LDR
local ActualarmorPenPercent  = (math.floor(100-(unit.armorPenPercent*100)) / 100)

Was my fix to this issue.
But over all calculations are unaffected is used for reducing Armor = Armor * unit.armorPenPercent

unit.magicPenPercent function is the same



Also with armorPen + Lethality rework for damage calculations
We never really implemented Lethality as it just took place of armorPen
Lethality = unit.armorPen
but has self scaling with source unit level that isn't seen but useful for the flat pentation damage calculations

local ArmorPen = source.armorPen  
local Lethality = ArmorPen * (0.6222 + 0.3778 / 17 * (source.levelData.lvl-1))
Fixed for proper calculations


Towers changed their names to go along with other outdated changes to various things
They kinda follow a new naming scheme
Team = T1 or T2 ; doesn't appear dependent on what team you are on.
Location = L, C, R ;  ish? they tried
    L = Top
    C = Mic
    R = Bot
Number = arbitrary

Blue side Top and Bot towers have C/Center/Mid Turret names 
["Turret_T1_C_06_A"]  --top inhib
["Turret_T1_C_07_A"]  --botlane inhib
instead of their respective Left/Right
["Turret_T1_L_01_A"] -- top inhib
["Turret_T1_R_01_A"] --bot inhib

And ARAM Towers don't really follow any name scheme either besides Blue side is C and Red is L
gj riot c:

This doesn't really effect anything besides some smol damage to minion from tower stuff now a days, but just some updates since they've changed towers a while ago.

.charName = Turret
.name = see table in Spoiler

Edited by Impuls, 26 June 2022 - 06:31 .

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Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: armorPenPercent, armorPen, Lethality, Towers, tower, Turret

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