Rewrite for clarity:
With most configs, it's quite common to experience abrupt and unexpected turns when:
- We are on the ground, in our half, facing our net
- Ball is behind us, but will soon be in front of us / above us / in our net
Order of Events:
- At first, Intercept Point is correctly in front of us
- User continues holding Aerial Key, then starts Boosting towards the Intersect Point
- Then unexpectedly, Intercept Point updates to be beside / behind us -> Aerial Bot quickly adjusts and turns 10 - 180 degrees -> Intercept Point updates back to original
- I may be wrong, but this appears to happen either at the Apex of the ball's arch, or just as the ball is about to pass us on the field
- Training Pack: 9223-FCC3-D504-D1B8
- Enable Ground Intersection Point to better visualize when the abrupt change in Intersect Point occurs
- Shot #2 -> Simply Hold Boost & Aerial Key -> Observe path car takes to goal
- Type 5, Interp 2 is the most hyperbolic example of this and will take a very hard cut, making it very difficult to make contact with the ball in general.
- Type 5, Interp 10 will never have the intersect point be behind us, but that is not a good value to use in real games as iit is too slow
Ways to Currently Mitigate:
1) Have Aerial Key use Dribble Bot
Pro: Intersect Point is often placed further out with this CVAR enabled
Con: Enabling this removes your ability to get the regular touches that Aerial Bot can provide on the ground. Essentially enabling this limits your potential on the ground.
2) Enable 'Match Speed'
Pro: Often prevents us from gaining the speed / distance which provokes the unexpected quick turns
Con: Issue happens much less often, but still can occur. I dislike how 'Match Speed' is also active on the wall to the extent that I cannot play with this CVAR enabled.
3) Enable 'Facing Goal'
Pro: More favorable Intersect Point when facing our own net, in my opinion
Con: Significantly less effective than 'Match Speed'. Issue still occurs frequently
4) Test 'Starting Velocity' (1300 - 1600)
Pro: Some tests I've been doing have shown that 'Starting Velocity' (1300 - 1600) can still often reach the ball if we've accidentally commited to an Aerial during expected turn.
Con: Starting Velocity seems to introduce bizare "wobbles" from corrections in air. Also makes the Aerial Bot significantly less dynamic
My Takeaway:
- I'm sure 4.0.0 will be great and this likely won't be as much of an issue
- In the meantime, if you were intested, I believe that created a secondary 'Match Speed' which doesn't apply the Brakes when on Walls / Ceilings would be a decent middle ground.
- Or possibly something different like "Aerial Bot FOV" similar to Demo Bot FOV such that the Aerial Bot will only accept Intersection Points that are in front of us and prevent the turn around from happening that way.
it is often risky to hold the Aerial Key + boost prior to committing to an Aerial that will go above your car / ball is currently behind you, but will be in front of you soon. Random swerves on the ground occur to try to meet ball behind us, but we want / were actively driving toward an Intersection Point in front of us.
Best tested with a shadow defence training pack and just holding boost + the Aerial Key on the ground (without Dribble Bot combined) and observe what happens. Don't jump, just drive forward, Aerial key and boost. Enabling Ground Interception Point Color will also give a good visual showing how when it's about to swerve, but hard to react to in-game.
This may not be the same as his experience, but for me when shadow defending:
- Regardless of Intersection Type (and other cvars that affect Intersection Point) it is often risky to hold the Aerial Key + boost prior to committing to an Aerial that will go above your car / ball is currently behind you, but will be in front of you soon.
- Reason being: If boosting manually on the ground + holding Aerial Key + shadow defending, the intercept point will often be behind us, causing a last minute turn on the ground and often messes up the trajectory of your aeria
- This can be mitigated by either:
1) Combining Dribble Bot with Aerial Key on ground. This often changes the Intercept Point when on the ground to be further ahead than the standard Aerial Key on the ground. I personally like the types of ground touches I get with the regular Aerial Bot on the ground, and have a Dribble Key, so it's not ideal to lose that ground functionality.
2) Using Match Speed will suppress the over-steer as it will prevent you from boosting as much, but I dislike how Match Speed is enabled when driving on the wall.
3) I've recently been experimenting with Starting Velocity (1300 - 1600) and while it doesn't change the intersect point when on the ground, getting to the ball faster does seem to improve your likelihood of actually reaching the ball, despite the awkward last minute turn. Though Starting Velocity comes with its own cons as well. Namely how it can often produce "wobbles" in air when correcting in the air if Aerial Bot gives too much height. Type 5 w/ Interp 9 - 10 will often remove the wobbles, but is not a good Interp value to use in real games.
I'm sure that your latest update will be much better and this may not even be a problem anymore.
Though in the mean time, I feel a quick-patch would be a secondary Match Speed which doesn't apply the brakes when on the Walls / Ceilings