Inspired update is auto update or not?
Yep Thats What Inspired says when you go to it.. i've been trying to update it too lol
Inspired update is auto update or not?
Yep Thats What Inspired says when you go to it.. i've been trying to update it too lol
1 version is using new inspired, u have to update it manually, the other one is using old inspired which is auto installed/updated
New inspired. where is that located?
i know im a noob but how do you manually update inspired. i know how to get to the folder and everything just kinda confused on how to update it
Not showing up in script menu
But does it catch axes with draven?
How does this work, for example, do i just tick this script and inspired and head straight into the game? Or do i need to get an additional script like your d3ftcarry vayne script?
Well, i am pretty new, so hope someone can answer my question
Does not show in script menu in game,updated everything.
Added Dev API for plebs
Hi guys iv been having trouble with scripts and im new to the site. Why is it that ever time i use like combo or harras or farm last hit. pushing the button makes my guy auto walk around where ever my mouse is ? is there a way to make it so that my guy is in my control and doesnt always walk around 100% of the time but will still do the action?
Can confirm,still not showing up in srcipt menu. Everything is up to date.
Can confirm,still not showing up in srcipt menu. Everything is up to date.
Sometimes when you cancel the aa it doesn't detect it and therefore wait a ways too long time to reattack, making orbwalking look unregular on occasions and not putting out max dps.
Deftsu downloaded today new inspired
Its working perfectly thanks
Deftsu downloaded today new inspired
this ?? and you need to disable auto-update libs by GoS then so it doesn't overwrite your inspired.lua, this file should be saved as Inspired.lua
would u add auto-attack circle drawing?
or maybe i can use f7 one
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