Nami is a little bit bug withe the script
What exactly
Best Answer SxcS , 22 January 2016 - 07:04
{SxcSAIO} : Status : Working!
Current Version : 0.2583
Current Changelogs:
- Added Jinx
- Bug fixes
If the AutoUpdater is buggy , you will have to redownload the script!
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Nami is a little bit bug withe the script
Lux Q and corkie Q prediction is kinda crappy :S
Everything else working fine
Alright im testing it now..
-Blitz isnt using his w nor his e for some reason..
-Leona is working well without any problems... but it would be better when she activates her w before using e and q instead of using it when she gets damaged ^^
-Garen is working perfectly now
-Vayne is working perfectly
-Mundo is working perfectly aswell
If you put the w over the e q in the order sequence in the GOS menu it works
still updated..?
still updated..?
Why if i lower the %hit chance of q it it's more frequently? XD
Hello master.
An observation: The Jinx Script is not kiting!
poppy e needs an improvement: only use e when enemy is rammed into any wall
everyting else on poppy is awsome
Poppy isn't working
her combo will do only Q then at the end she uses her ult and hit him back and the target ran away lol
and E are not even used as killable gapcloser
NVM I think something was wrong with my orbwalker
well.. am struggling a bit here! if u guys can guide me to know from where shall i download the MapPositionGOS and OpenPredict,
sorry and thx in advance
hi , there is a big problem in here , which is when i play vayne , once i press the [space bar] the game immediately freeze forever, i was using the skt skin,
hi , there is a big problem in here , which is when i play vayne , once i press the [space bar] the game immediately freeze forever, i was using the skt skin,
I've been using this on Kog'Maw and it's working very well! I look forward to trying more ADCs when I get them. Thank you for your hard work!
When i play thresh it always uses the E right after he hooks.. really annoying because most of the time it doesnt hit someone.
poppy uses W against friendly dashes like any yasuo from my own team not only against enemys gg
can someone take a screenshot with what hacks to turn on/off im new to scripting & have been playing leauge for 2 years and its easier to play w/o scripts! I dont understand it! D:
can someone take a screenshot with what hacks to turn on/off im new to scripting & have been playing leauge for 2 years and its easier to play w/o scripts! I dont understand it! D:
It's easy, only thing you need to do if you wanna turn off is press F6.
If you wanna turn on, just press again F6 and then if you are in troubles then press SPACE bar and start killing enemies. After that, press F6 to disable the method and start playing as the human you are
Vayne doesn't work ?
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