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[Beta][MidLane Series] Added Jayce

Syndra Orianna Viktor Jayce AurelionSol Ziggs Xerath

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Syndra's Q sometimes miss the enemy in front of me even when he is stunned and often does not use the E. Could you improve?


I tested Ryze, Brand, Ziggs, Xerath, Ahri and Viktor all of then is working fine.


Sometimes Viktor's Q freezes between the first activation of Q and the second


Thanks man great job.

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    GoS Lover

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Syndra's Q sometimes miss the enemy in front of me even when he is stunned and often does not use the E. Could you improve?


I tested Ryze, Brand, Ziggs, Xerath, Ahri and Viktor all of then is working fine.


Sometimes Viktor's Q freezes between the first activation of Q and the second


Thanks man great job.

maybe the script doesnt check if the enemy is not moveable meobeo

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Twisted doesn't use W on stunned target.

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When I use this script with Xerath the skillshots don't even seem to hit the target automatically? Am I doing something wrong or am I just retarded?

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why it says i am non vip ?? when i use but iam vip ext int and pubg lol xD

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Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: Syndra, Orianna, Viktor, Jayce, AurelionSol, Ziggs, Xerath

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