Fizzermans friend soon™?
Fizzermans friend soon™?
Jayce not update?
How does Twisted Fate work with this script, can you make presets to pull gold cards in your combos or anything like that?
How does Twisted Fate work with this script, can you make presets to pull gold cards in your combos or anything like that?
Yes, it picks Gold card in combo mode. Try with other orbwalkers
viktor dont do max e range only if i am in rage of 500 units i tested with all orbwalker no error shows just not extended E dosent work on combo or mixed mode :/
viktor dont do max e range only if i am in rage of 500 units i tested with all orbwalker no error shows just not extended E dosent work on combo or mixed mode :/
Fixed. I updated prediction, did not notice Viktor's E
ok nice love you <3
hey i tested out veigar, but it seems to not use any skills apart from basic attack.
TF work good with orbwalk ?
Ahri logic is kind of off....
feels weird.
What orbwalker should I use?
Ahri logic is kind of off....
feels weird.
What orbwalker should I use?
what do you mean? It should work with all orbwalkers
The combos aren't working? Whenever I press spacebar nothing happens. Only for this script.
hey i got some problems i can only use the eternal orbwalker right now all of him is uptodate and your script as well but some time just crash if ahri ulting or when i try to fight all other scripts works with eternal but not all time your:/ but other orbwalker like DAC:R or some other crash after 2min ingame i tryed all so i think the problem is the target selector or something like that i am not a dev and a noob in lua scripts so thats why all call you your scripts are awsome i used since is coming out only your but now its high risk to play when it crash in ranks
(syndra aswell some time crash; ori after some fights he dont do anyspells and you need to press f6 to reload and than works again in teamfights not so nice but i can handle this but this is since some month you fixed but now is back again) No error shown on the display ^^ other thing viktor work well with eternalorbwalker as well but if you flash and use combo game crash like ahri if you press R and than combo game crash syndra same :/
About my story i had a break in playing lol for 2 weeks after this i try to play again and all time after 2 min crash the game i reinstall gos and lol deleting the appdata foulder aswell install all again and crashing alltime so i updating all manual still the same tosh call me to use eternal orbwalker now work all adcs scripts and challengers series as well but other scripts sometime crash like yours but i dont found a way to fix this i try a common from a supporter still the same all orbwalkers still crash :/ if you have any idear so let me hear thanks a lot for your time to read this.
xerath is very buggy q will launch sideways
Combo and Harass Ori Viktor syndra dont use any spells project yasuo same need update :/ No error shown
I bought VIP for internal and external section. I can still not use this script. It tells me that it is disabled for non vip users.
is there any possibility of getting a full list of champions this supports
is there any possibility of getting a full list of champions this supports
first post?
syndra script works awesome just some small errors, the prediction on the QE is a bit off sometimes, and its a bit slow to react
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