LazyAIO line 1686 and 1699, error forcetarget.
champ tristana
Unsupported orbwalker.
Best Answer DamnedNooB , 26 August 2019 - 01:25
Thanks for your work, only scripts working properly on Ext. Keep up the good work PLEASE <3
Was hoping for a new version of internal, but since that wont happen too soon -
LazyAiO rewritten as soon as i have a new motherboard. (pc ded right now).
Thanks for the kind words!!
Sorry for the absence, real life is a bi*** and my pc commited suicide
LazyAIO line 1686 and 1699, error forcetarget.
champ tristana
Unsupported orbwalker.
Love your work. Any plans to add Brand or Blitzcrank?
Love your work. Any plans to add Brand or Blitzcrank?
Tyvm, glad you enjoy it.
Brand is one of the next champs in Pipeline, will add Blatzcrink to Queue.
But now on to the next champ
Shaco comes with a hardcoded list of Spells to dodge. Example: Blitzcrank Q, Ahri E, and so on. Pretty much all spells i could think about wich have minion collision.
Depending on your settings it will try to
all with settings only to dodge under X % HP (set to 100 to always dodge, as above in descending order)
30 seconds after Loading there should be this message:
Make sure you see it, then everything should be fine and he should attempt to dodge if possible.
If you dont see it, F6 x2
Update / redownload
You're a god
You're a god
Thank you, but im just a NooB with a passion
Update / redownload
Love your Kai'sa script gj bro nice predict for the W x3
adjust your performance settings
Though i have 0 idea what you could have done to bring it down to 2 FPS
Max loss is around 5 FPS for me. from 60 to 55.
You must have messed up something BADLY
E: This is now resolved after editing performance settings, as mentioned.
Yep, for anyone having fps drop settings at ALL you should check this out.
Ty again @DamnedNooB
ahri not work it give me error on top
Ahri isn't included. There's a post on the first page of this thread that shows "supported champions" click that spoiler and voila . Magic.
Thank you, but im just a NooB with a passion
- Shaco Q should now attempt to dodge almost all skillshots under X% HP, not only Skillshots with collision
- Added Emergency Ult (If under X%HP and enemy close or any kind of attack incoming.)
Update / redownload
Make teemo pls
Make teemo pls
Make what. Make him worse? Remove him?
accidently upvoted your post, sorry.
Yooooo Shaco tho lol
had some fun games with him, one of my fav scripts now with LazyAiO --- takes some getting used to, but the Q escapes are AMAZING at 40% CDR (cant imagine shaco now with this script in some URF =P) - blinks to really great positioning.
10/10 would bang.
it runs perfectly by itself (and lcs orbwalk itself)
but if i run both scripts, GOS closes right after loading screen.
hi... want to know if you have plan to support Gamsteron orbwalker..
I tried it with darius, doesn't use any skill.
Tried with default, worked fine.
Hey bro, Jhin ult not working? played 2 games with him so far, havent seen it auto fire anything (*and i suck at firing jhin ult manually =P*) lol rest of his kit is perfect <3
Edit: Orbwalker error with Project skin =P (My own tweaks)
lux crashing after 20min in game
cait syndrome?
Yooooo Shaco tho lol
had some fun games with him, one of my fav scripts now with LazyAiO
--- takes some getting used to, but the Q escapes are AMAZING at 40% CDR (cant imagine shaco now with this script in some URF =P) - blinks to really great positioning.
10/10 would bang.
Thnx for feedback, Shaco always was one of my secret loves, guess ill try and make it even better in future updates. Had some hilariously funny games with him aswell
it runs perfectly by itself (and lcs orbwalk itself)
but if i run both scripts, GOS closes right after loading screen.
Works perfectly fine, please check your GoS installation for errors.
hi... want to know if you have plan to support Gamsteron orbwalker..
I tried it with darius, doesn't use any skill.
Tried with default, worked fine.
Hey bro, Jhin ult not working? played 2 games with him so far, havent seen it auto fire anything (*and i suck at firing jhin ult manually =P*) lol rest of his kit is perfect
Edit: Orbwalker error with Project skin =P (My own tweaks)
Skins are in no relation to my script whatsoever, there might be issues with his ult tho, agreed. Wich Prediction did you use? for Jhin i recommend Noddys. Will try and fix whenever im motivated to do so. (if its actually broken)
lux crashing after 20min in game
cait syndrome?
Played like 5-10 games, without a single crash or other issues. Can you replicate the issue and see whats happening?
cait syndrome lol... made me smile
Skins are in no relation to my script whatsoever, there might be issues with his ult tho, agreed. Wich Prediction did you use? for Jhin i recommend Noddys. Will try and fix whenever im motivated to do so. (if its actually broken)
Used Noddys, testedd both orbwalkers (default +icorb) - tried my best to tweak the settings but yeah I THINK its just broken (did officially 5 games) -- the rest of his kit works perfect, won 4/5 games (5th was due to 4v5) but carried really hard.
Used Noddys, testedd both orbwalkers (default +icorb) - tried my best to tweak the settings but yeah I THINK its just broken (did officially 5 games) -- the rest of his kit works perfect, won 4/5 games (5th was due to 4v5) but carried really hard.
alright, ill check whenever i get around him, ty for reporting.
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