Can you write a Mundo script ?
Can combo with QWE
Best Answer DamnedNooB , 26 August 2019 - 01:25
Thanks for your work, only scripts working properly on Ext. Keep up the good work PLEASE <3
Was hoping for a new version of internal, but since that wont happen too soon -
LazyAiO rewritten as soon as i have a new motherboard. (pc ded right now).
Thanks for the kind words!!
Sorry for the absence, real life is a bi*** and my pc commited suicide
Can you write a Mundo script ?
Can combo with QWE
Kayn R does not work (?)
Yeah i like GSO Orbwalker better for ADCs it'd be awesome if i could play tristana with GSO orbwalker.
Gamsteron is making his Orbwalker compatible with existing scripts, wait for his update.
Can you write a Mundo script ?[/size]
Can combo with QWE
Kayn R does not work (?)
Not anytime soon.
The amount of motivation received from the site owner is constantly decreasing although site traffic is massively increasing.
Aswell as no love from community in months, no matter how many champs or features i add.
Ill have to focus on real life stuff now, gotta eat now and then.
Ill get back once i fixed my real life stuff or there's more love from the community.
Hope you understand.
Update / redownload.
This best jinx script in werlds, pew pew
This best jinx script in werlds, pew pew
swain is v gud but he never uses W for me i tried different orbs and different predics
kaw kaw
Wrong thread. My apologies.
Because it uses brokken API, wait for fixes, kaw kawswain is v gud but he never uses W for me i tried different orbs and different predics
kaw kaw
Updated [v3.2]
Any noted issues with Irelia? wanna test her tonight.
Not on my Sticky notes. Let me know
(though i have planned to change her E logic in future updates)
Not on my Sticky notes. Let me know
(though i have planned to change her E logic in future updates)
I added some new champions to database. (Try, teemo, twitch, shaco, pyke, irelia, ezreal, aatrox and corki)
Better late than never...I added some new champions to database. (Try, teemo, twitch, shaco, pyke, irelia, ezreal, aatrox and corki)
Swain do nothing
Swain do nothing
For some reason, Syndra only Qs and that is if she manages to do it even. Any idea why?
For some reason, Syndra only Qs and that is if she manages to do it even. Any idea why?
If anyone hasn't noticed, @DamnedNooB is the ****.
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