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[OLD❓]Auto 3.0 - Step up your game! [Auto update - activator - many champs] -- Assist Mode

Best Answer Aristo , 25 June 2018 - 10:06

How to Install Auto 3.0:


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cassio work bad...cast only one E after Q...

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cassio work bad...cast only one E after Q...

1 - depends on if GOS is working. It hasnt been stable in 1-2 months (intermittent api and crash issues due to new anti cheat). Not the scripts issue. If something in the API is broken or needing to be updated it will result in poor play by the script because it doesn't have access to the data it needs. 
2 - When the API is working it depends on what you're trying to do. You arent really supposed to just spam spacebar. Read what the script is supposed to do. Spacebar is mostly just used for the orbwalker. 
3 - Scripts aren't magic. You have to learn their limitations and how to play with them. If you havent taken it into a custom game, seen how it should work and then done a few games vs players to get a feel for it then chances are quite strong that you'll be losing a lot of games.

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Cassio wont work right now because reading buffs is broken. Only returns 172 and 0.

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Cassio wont work right now because reading buffs is broken. Only returns 172 and 0.


Do you have any idea how long does it normally take for api to get fully updated after patch? I have asked this question like a hundred times already but no answer from anyone... :S :)

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Do you have any idea how long does it normally take for api to get fully updated after patch? I have asked this question like a hundred times already but no answer from anyone... :S :)

the new anti cheat has resulted in issues since it's release. api updates and fixes for new patches are usually done within a few days but the past couple months have been unstable while the new anti cheat gets fully dealt with (it likes to pop up and break the bot - often).
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[ERROR] Common/Auto/Activator.lua:369 attempt to index field 'SDK' (a nil value)

line 369 on lua: Activator.LocalOrbwalker = _G.SDK.Orbwalker

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the new anti cheat has resulted in issues since it's release. api updates and fixes for new patches are usually done within a few days but the past couple months have been unstable while the new anti cheat gets fully dealt with (it likes to pop up and break the bot - often).


So you are trying to say that anti-cheat changes offsets (addresses) continuously without even getting any game files updated? oO

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So you are trying to say that anti-cheat changes offsets (addresses) continuously without even getting any game files updated? oO

Games change offsets every patch. Fere hasnt bypassed the anti cheat entirely (cheat prevention), so its broken.

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Games change offsets every patch. Fere hasnt bypassed the anti cheat entirely (cheat prevention), so its broken.


Yeah, just thought you meant that api is updated fairly quickly after new patch (fully) and then AC breaks it... nvm...

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[ERROR] Common/Auto/Activator.lua:369 attempt to index field 'SDK' (a nil value)
line 369 on lua: Activator.LocalOrbwalker = _G.SDK.Orbwalker

solution is to follow the instructions and make sure you have ic orb running
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Taliyah needs updating does nothing most the time and no range on e

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Taliyah needs updating does nothing most the time and no range on e

use skills manually.
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use skills manually.

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pls back
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can u add there miss fortune from auto 2.0? ?

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can u add there miss fortune from auto 2.0? ?


Uhh this already has MF. What is it you prefer about the 2.0 one over this?


pls back

What do you mean, I've gone no where and the script works just fine (whenever the API of the bot is)




I know people don't read the forum but with buff information and .dir broken  99% of the features of this (and other) scripts just wont work properly. Wait till the bot is updated and then it will work again just as it did before. If the API isn't returning valid info then I can't do anything about that ok?

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Uhh this already has MF. What is it you prefer about the 2.0 one over this?


ohh ok i think thers no mf 

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Sikaka! Not sure if you're still active or making changes, but I've been crushing with your Cass script! So much fun!


Anyway, I have a quick question. Any chance you could adjust the range on the ult and lower it? It always auto ults and misses (not directional, just out of range). If not, no worries, but it's the only thing keeping me from using it as much :)


Thanks again <3

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you can disable the auto ulti on the menu 

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