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[OLD❓]Auto 3.0 - Step up your game! [Auto update - activator - many champs] -- Assist Mode

Best Answer Aristo , 25 June 2018 - 10:06

How to Install Auto 3.0:


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Sikaka! Not sure if you're still active or making changes, but I've been crushing with your Cass script! So much fun!


Anyway, I have a quick question. Any chance you could adjust the range on the ult and lower it? It always auto ults and misses (not directional, just out of range). If not, no worries, but it's the only thing keeping me from using it as much :)


Thanks again <3

you can disable the auto ulti on the menu 

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I like the auto ulti tho? :D


Works pretty good, but it'll miss maybe 20% or so, combo or auto. <3


Or make a slider where 100 = the current max range it's set to, so I can reduce it to 85 or so to ensure that it doesn't miss more often. Whatever you can implement, if anything. If not, I just went 35/2 so I'm still happy :)

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I like the auto ulti tho? :D


Works pretty good, but it'll miss maybe 20% or so, combo or auto. <3


Or make a slider where 100 = the current max range it's set to, so I can reduce it to 85 or so to ensure that it doesn't miss more often. Whatever you can implement, if anything. If not, I just went 35/2 so I'm still happy :)



Added - next time the game loads it will auto update. Please report if it causes problems cause I didnt test it in a match :P


Slider added for Range Limit for R. Default is 95% of max range - if you want it to not use max range ults (bit more reliable esp on higher ping) then simply slide it lower. 95% will probably help some of the super edge cases and is a pretty good default.   


I would suggest that in the future it might be best if I add a 'Reliable Ult' toggle which wont ult if a target is predicted as pathing into range. It's one thing if they are at max range but already inside it and another if they are running towards you and the bot thinks they will keep pathing. I'd guess that the majority of your whiffed ults are actually happening from that rather than the true max range check. Try the slider though and see how it works for you.

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Added - next time the game loads it will auto update. Please report if it causes problems cause I didnt test it in a match :P


Slider added for Range Limit for R. Default is 95% of max range - if you want it to not use max range ults (bit more reliable esp on higher ping) then simply slide it lower. 95% will probably help some of the super edge cases and is a pretty good default.   


I would suggest that in the future it might be best if I add a 'Reliable Ult' toggle which wont ult if a target is predicted as pathing into range. It's one thing if they are at max range but already inside it and another if they are running towards you and the bot thinks they will keep pathing. I'd guess that the majority of your whiffed ults are actually happening from that rather than the true max range check. Try the slider though and see how it works for you.


Thanks so much! I hope others enjoy the option to have it as I know I will. Super OP and I have been having a blast with it. That is pretty much the only suggestion I could ask for, although, when clearing or last hitting with E, once you get into mid-late game, it would be awesome if there was a clear/lane push function which used the Q and E to farm more effectively. 


I do not mind manually using Q on casters / melee than manually pressing E a few times to kill each, but once you get your mana items, since the Q and E cooldowns are so low, it would be REALLY OP for farming if it could Q and E minions to clear and not just last hit. When you want to push lane, or just farm quickly. Like a toggle switch to "push lane using Q" and "push lane using Q+E". Sometimes when I kill my laner, I want to push super fast, and obviously I am lazy since I use scripts to begin with :)


I know your scripts are more of a "take over from time-to-time" but this would be another awesome feature! I'm sure it's a ton of work compared to my last request, but if you somehow did it, I'll gladly donate to the cause!


Cheers and thank you so much for the quick response and awesome work!

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TBH - Cass so far, after months and many different champs, is probably one of the most fun and reliable I have used. For scripting, orbwalking and positioning is huge, and the fact that the MS gets buffed off Q's, and she slows, plus gains massive move speed, it's so much fun just holding spacebar and positioning correctly!


I literally love it haha. Thanks again can't say enough good things about it.

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Tried using the soraka script but it doesn't seem to load?
Is it under a separate menu or is it apart of the IC Orbwalk menu?

Thanks for your reply.

Edit: I disabled some scripts, its working now :)

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i just test it illaio works fine gg

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Hey, tried out fiora everything works fine except for the riposte. Even if I stand still in front of a lux or morgana, when they throw out their bindings, the riposte doesnt automatically parry. Could you look into this thanks, I havent changed the settings on the riposte section.



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Hey, tried out fiora everything works fine except for the riposte. Even if I stand still in front of a lux or morgana, when they throw out their bindings, the riposte doesnt automatically parry. Could you look into this thanks, I havent changed the settings on the riposte section.





Could be due to changes in GOS API or it could just be how things go. Detecting and blocking spells in GOS is damn near impossible - what's there now 'works' for most purposes but is not something that should be considered too reliable.  

Only suggestion would be in gos settings to try lowering the recache times for missiles so that it can try to detect them more frequently. 

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There is no heimerdinger :(

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There is no heimerdinger :(


<_< yes there is.


Don't see much reason to use it but its in there I played a bunch of games with him.

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<_< yes there is.


Don't see much reason to use it but its in there I played a bunch of games with him.



Which orbwalker do you recommend since they say ic orbwalker is not working good at the moment?

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Which orbwalker do you recommend since they say ic orbwalker is not working good at the moment?

Who's "they"?

IC's works perfectly fine.

Better test stuff in customs and get your own opinion.

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Which orbwalker do you recommend since they say ic orbwalker is not working good at the moment?



It uses IC orbwalker. It literally cannot be used with any other orb.


((Although I think I saw that gso orb re-wrote to make it pretend to be ic orb for cross script functionality... try it if you're worried about IC but doubt there's any issues there. Ppl just like to bitch and complain))

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It uses IC orbwalker. It literally cannot be used with any other orb.

((Although I think I saw that gso orb re-wrote to make it pretend to be ic orb for cross script functionality... try it if you're worried about IC but doubt there's any issues there. Ppl just like to bitch and complain))

It calls the same api SDK should work universally.
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Odyssey support added!


Simple system lets scripts be written per game mode per champ. Currently just sona added because she's simple as ****.  


If auto update fails then please re-extract the rar again as its need updated. 


Odyssey counts as minions so it's simple logic to do aa resets and spellcasts taking into account minions.  


-Auto Q after AA (reset + passive stack)

-Auto W on ally HP dropping

-Auto E for cleansing CC (toggle)

-Auto E after AA (passive stack + lichbane option)

-Auto ult on # targets hit



It's simple, it's dirty, it works.  


I'll prob do a few other champs for it. It's really simple stuff but I've been enjoying how damn powerful sona is with AA weaving causing constant ult resets. This script helps with that.

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Cassiopeia aint loading for me :( only with gsoorb and auto. After i redownload again she is here fixed :)

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The script is very finicky when/if it loads (like 2/5 times so far) and also when it seems to not load (wont show up in shift menu - but shows up in f6 menu) it just deletes its self from the script folder when i restart the game?
Not sure if that's just an issue on my side.

I'm using IC's orbwalker, and disabled all the other scripts with the same issue recurring.

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The script is very finicky when/if it loads (like 2/5 times so far) and also when it seems to not load (wont show up in shift menu - but shows up in f6 menu) it just deletes its self from the script folder when i restart the game?
Not sure if that's just an issue on my side.

I'm using IC's orbwalker, and disabled all the other scripts with the same issue recurring.



Does it give any error or message? Sounds like it's failing to finish downloading updates. Try re-extracting the full Auto3.rar to your scripts folder and see if that resolves the issue. 

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Wukong added. 


-Q on AA reset

-Q on killsteal

-W on incoming CC

-E as gapcloser in combo

-R on # enemies


Assist tool rather than a full script. Helps manage resets and other stuff really well.


Activator no longer tries to use items while dead

Champions no longer use skills while chat is open or recalling (lol)


Does it still exist? Can't see it on github.


Also, do you mind updating first post with all supported champs? It seems Zigs is missing there but not sure if there are any more that not listed, would be nice to know ;)



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