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[OLD❓]Auto 3.0 - Step up your game! [Auto update - activator - many champs] -- Assist Mode

Best Answer Aristo , 25 June 2018 - 10:06

How to Install Auto 3.0:


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Odyssey jinx added


-W on AA reset

-W on # enemies hit (counts targets as though you have the split augment)

-E on AA reset to trap ****

-R on # enemies hit


Simple but effective.




Does it still exist? Can't see it on github.


Also, do you mind updating first post with all supported champs? It seems Zigs is missing there but not sure if there are any more that not listed, would be nice to know  ;)



Seems it didnt get merged to github - The script definitely existed but its not there and I dont have it on my pc anymore. 
Added a couple that seemed to be missing from first post.

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Thanks a lot for Odyssey scripts, very handy since I'm doing missions now :)


It's a pity that you don't have wukong anymore, was thinking to get starter bundle on new account for 650 rp that includes wukong so it would be great to have a good script for him...

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Jinx not loading in odyssey for some reason, says not supported

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Jinx not loading in odyssey for some reason, says not supported



Refer to .rar in first post - gotta re install the script in order for odyssey to work I believe. 

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Just loaded into a game and loaded your script, but I don't see the R range adjustment on Cass. I know you said to test since you weren't able to. I manually updated script prior to loading, plus the auto update feature. Not sure if it's me or it did not get implemented. Just curious, thanks as always!

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Refer to .rar in first post - gotta re install the script in order for odyssey to work I believe. 


I did it in first place but still doesn't seem to load, don't know why tbh, gotta try it again I guess.

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Just loaded into a game and loaded your script, but I don't see the R range adjustment on Cass. I know you said to test since you weren't able to. I manually updated script prior to loading, plus the auto update feature. Not sure if it's me or it did not get implemented. Just curious, thanks as always!



I just tested it and it has no problems. 


Skills>R>Range Limit (0-100% of max range of skill. Default 95%)



Cool github commited my 'no auto update' version i used for testing. Gotta re-write and fix the updater now.

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Does it give any error or message? Sounds like it's failing to finish downloading updates. Try re-extracting the full Auto3.rar to your scripts folder and see if that resolves the issue.

It solves it for 1 game, but it seems like I got it working more often than not by changing the lua to read only. Still have to replace it in some cases though.

Edit: Not sure what exact error I was receiving before but the error I got today said "[ERROR] Common\Auto/newVersion.lua: No such file or directory"
When I 2x F6 the cheat would crash. It did it again when I replaced the lua, tried replacing the lua again and it worked. We will see for how long.

Edited by GoId, 17 September 2018 - 01:15 .

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Cool github commited my 'no auto update' version i used for testing. Gotta re-write and fix the updater now.



It solves it for 1 game, but it seems like I got it working more often than not by changing the lua to read only. Still have to replace it in some cases though.

Edit: Not sure what exact error I was receiving before but the error I got today said "[ERROR] Common\Auto/newVersion.lua: No such file or directory"
When I 2x F6 the cheat would crash. It did it again when I replaced the lua, tried replacing the lua again and it worked. We will see for how long.



The auto update is not functioning as it should - I'll be re-writing a bunch of stuff in the next day or so. Been working on other stuff while I wait for the GOS API to get fixed.

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The auto update is not functioning as it should - I'll be re-writing a bunch of stuff in the next day or so. Been working on other stuff while I wait for the GOS API to get fixed.

Gotcha, on an unrelated note, not sure if it's just on my end but it seems the predictions are a little off. For example on brand it wont "max" range W so I have to walk into there AA range (and than it MIGHT w). I can manually do the W for pokes but it would be good if the script could do it. Same issue with Soraka's Q and E (wont fire at max range of the spell).

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Auto update fixed now!


If you still have issues please re-download the full pack and extract it to your scripts folder. 



Gotcha, on an unrelated note, not sure if it's just on my end but it seems the predictions are a little off. For example on brand it wont "max" range W so I have to walk into there AA range (and than it MIGHT w). I can manually do the W for pokes but it would be good if the script could do it. Same issue with Soraka's Q and E (wont fire at max range of the spell).


So I only consider targets 'in range' if the cast position is at the center of the predicted position. This is to improve reliability vs trying to target with the edge of an ability. It would be good to include immobile hits by using max range targeting but with the buff API completely broken in the bot it means that stuff isn't working as it should.  


If and when the API is patched up and stable I would be interested in allowing the targeting prediction to have a 'allowEdgeTargeting' value so you can pop people who cant dodge from max possible range. Right now though it would just decrease the reliability of general targeting (by a lot)

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OK! First post updated with all the champions supported and their features. Bit easier to read now and more accurate for what's covered in the script. 


Wukong should also now be offered - sorry for the issue had to recover it off a old github commit.

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Thanks a lot for all the updates ;)

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OK! First post updated with all the champions supported and their features. Bit easier to read now and more accurate for what's covered in the script. 


Wukong should also now be offered - sorry for the issue had to recover it off a old github commit.

really comprehensive now, the xerath +++ and cassio +++ are the stars of your work :D

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A.lua getting deleted but not sure at which point...

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A.lua getting deleted but not sure at which point...



And thats with the new .rar posted in the first post as of a few hours ago? Very strange I loaded the game like 5x using the github dump and it did not get removed.

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Any plan on the other 3 Odyssey champions?

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Any plan on the other 3 Odyssey champions?



Not currently - the event wont be around that much longer and those were the two I was actually playing.


For the others to be that interesting I'd have to be involving things like evading enemy spells, grouping up enemies, shielding allies etc.

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And thats with the new .rar posted in the first post as of a few hours ago? Very strange I loaded the game like 5x using the github dump and it did not get removed.


I downloaded rar in first place and had to extract loader several times, it was while playing odyssey. Strange, indeed, will come back if it happens again.

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Im newbie, can someone explain to me how to install.... i don't know how to do it....

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