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[OKAY✔️][Patch:13.x] GG Series - AIO | Orbwalker | Prediction | Jhin, Blitzcrank, Taric, ...

Best Answer Aristo , 16 July 2023 - 02:59

-GGAIO updated to version 1.9581!: Tested Kogmaw works fine. If you haven't received the update, re-install it manually: https://raw.githubus...aster/GGAIO.lua


-GGorbwalker updated to version 3.006!: You should have it automatically once you get into a game and hit f6-key twice.

If you haven't received it, re-install it manually: https://raw.githubus...GGOrbwalker.lua



  • New Champ Naafiri added for Target selector
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Thanks to Hightail and Icebar for the input and updates. 

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Sadly the folder didn't fix my issue with Blitzcrank not throwing out his Q. It could be more of a me issue rather than an issue with the scripts. For example a lot of scripts simply refuse to work for me in one way or another, with the most common occurrence being the menu freezes up to the point where I have to close the 32bit process. The other problem I have is my PC won't allow scripts to update through Github. 

I appreciate your replies and found this script to respond better with the champions that work for me when I simply turn off all drawings in ggorbwalker. 

So thank you!

I understand, can you also show your key settings in league of legends? I'd like to check the keys of spells and attack settings etc, can you take 1,2 screenshots and post them here? 

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I understand, can you also show your key settings in league of legends? I'd like to check the keys of spells and attack settings etc, can you take 1,2 screenshots and post them here? 

Of course




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Hmm... Everything looks fine, what can i say here, you can try to delete gamingonsteroids folder and clean install using my file http://gamingonstero...-just-one-file/

It helps for the random issues most of the times, not saying it's going to solve the blitz issue but, it'll be better for you. And the rest of the aio should be fine for you also the other scripts in EXT, ofc there are some scripts that cause crash or freeze so do not use them. 

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Hmm... Everything looks fine, what can i say here, you can try to delete gamingonsteroids folder and clean install using my file http://gamingonstero...-just-one-file/

It helps for the random issues most of the times, not saying it's going to solve the blitz issue but, it'll be better for you. And the rest of the aio should be fine for you also the other scripts in EXT, ofc there are some scripts that cause crash or freeze so do not use them. 

I'll try that. I'm lacking ideas on how to fix my problems so I'm down to try anything 



Edit: I tested all of the scripts in the folder


JustEvade - Crashes
14Series - Crashes
PussyAIO - Lua file gets deleted - yellow error message
Series - Crashes
SeriesV2 - Crashes
Currently working:
All official

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Do not use all the official scripts, evade does not crash. Series does not crash(not all the champs) but some champs crash, 14 series yea a lot of people reported some issues. As for PussyAIO, ask about this to him, maybe he knows a solution. 

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Do not use all the official scripts, evade does not crash. Series does not crash(not all the champs) but some champs crash, 14 series yea a lot of people reported some issues. As for PussyAIO, ask about this to him, maybe he knows a solution. 

I have asked him - He's unsure of what I should do to fix everything  FeelsBadMan

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I have asked him - He's unsure of what I should do to fix everything  FeelsBadMan

You have problem with near all Scripts, this problem must come from you.
Have you a other Pc/Notebook for test?
Btw. I think this is the wronge place for this trouble...
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You have problem with near all Scripts, this problem must come from you.
Have you a other Pc/Notebook for test?
Btw. I think this is the wronge place for this trouble...

Yeah, you are right, i have an idea to fix the update issue. But lets stop talking about it in GGaio, it's really a wrong place to do it. 

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Does the Jhin script auto R or manual? tried a few times and never uses R

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Does the Jhin script auto R or manual? tried a few times and never uses R

Just press r and it fires straight at them

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ok ill try it thanks :)


EDIT**** works perfect thanks

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BOTRK Does not seem to work anymore (or any other active items) after reset of pc

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BOTRK Does not seem to work anymore (or any other active items) after reset of pc

Are you sure your spell keys are default and in smartcast? Can you show your keys?

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Sorry, i was on a diff smurf meaning my hotkeys reset.

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Sorry, i was on a diff smurf meaning my hotkeys reset.

no problem, good to hear it's fine now. 

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We're aware that farming is buggy, we've checked the API and data of farming but everything seems correct so we could not find the problem, we're waiting for gamsteron if he can find something.

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Script doesnt load in anymore, after patch

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The farming got worse it feels like it randomly attacks minions when holding c aswell

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The farming got worse it feels like it randomly attacks minions when holding c aswell

Restart the loader, it's fixed. 

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blitz dont catch the new sup/champion

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