didnt u had brand script??
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[OKAY✔️][Patch:13.x] GG Series - AIO | Orbwalker | Prediction | Jhin, Blitzcrank, Taric, ...

Best Answer Aristo , 16 July 2023 - 02:59
-GGAIO updated to version 1.9581!: Tested Kogmaw works fine. If you haven't received the update, re-install it manually: https://raw.githubus...aster/GGAIO.lua
-GGorbwalker updated to version 3.006!: You should have it automatically once you get into a game and hit f6-key twice.
If you haven't received it, re-install it manually: https://raw.githubus...GGOrbwalker.lua
- New Champ Naafiri added for Target selector
Thanks to Hightail and Icebar for the input and updates.
Go to the full post »
Posted 31 October 2020 - 09:01

Posted 31 October 2020 - 11:06

14aio work well or old gamsteronaio
Posted 01 November 2020 - 01:19

after patch debug mode on upgrade for disable
Posted 02 November 2020 - 06:51

Script does not load menu or range displays but auto attack/spells does work\
(last hit/harras work too)
Posted 03 November 2020 - 01:50

Script does not load menu or range displays but auto attack/spells does work\
(last hit/harras work too)
Try deleting gamingonsteroids folder on appdata and install this file:
And do not forget to set this key:
Posted 06 November 2020 - 05:39

after patch sometime crash, i do fresh install too
Posted 10 November 2020 - 09:59

hey cant find your orb topic
when jhin in reload animetion it stop to attacc
wonder if u can fix that?
Posted 11 November 2020 - 04:49

hey cant find your orb topic
when jhin in reload animetion it stop to attacc
wonder if u can fix that?
Download pls this zip file here.
You will find GGORB in...
Posted 11 November 2020 - 04:39

Hey guys, can someone help me?
I'm new here, and I'm having trouble using this script.
When I use a key button like: "Space Bar" - Combo "X" - Last Hit Among others, it's like he took too long to click, loses auto-attack, miss alot of last hits. The same happens with the 'combo', and does not even use the skills
I think it's some configuration error
https://i.postimg.cc...05112169151.jpg (my config, i I turned off the GG Orbwalker just for testing
Posted 11 November 2020 - 06:04

hey cant find your orb topic
when jhin in reload animetion it stop to attacc
wonder if u can fix that?
You can also just install this file.
Hey guys, can someone help me?
I'm new here, and I'm having trouble using this script.
When I use a key button like: "Space Bar" - Combo "X" - Last Hit Among others, it's like he took too long to click, loses auto-attack, miss alot of last hits. The same happens with the 'combo', and does not even use the skills
I think it's some configuration error
If you set this key, You should be fine. If you have still some weird issues you should delete gamingonsteroids folder on appdata/roaming and delete and do a clean install by installing this. http://gamingonstero...-just-one-file/
It'll be better, you should also disable all the drawings on scripts.
Here is a video that shows everything is fine.
Posted 13 November 2020 - 08:07

prediction need upgrade in the 10.23 sometime work bad
Posted 14 November 2020 - 10:06

it is JINX disable in the last patch?
Posted 16 November 2020 - 10:25

Seems when I try to access the Champion menu for a GGAIO supported champion, the menu won't allow me to go into submenus, this happens with or without other champion scripts running on top
Probably an error on my end, just confused, is there any log based system I can view to see where a potential error is?
Posted 17 November 2020 - 02:22

Srr i had no time, i will work today
Posted 17 November 2020 - 02:57

Srr i had no time, i will work today
Welcome back !
It seem like the script keep focusing an enemy even if it has invulnerability (Kayle ult) instead of switching to another target or stop attacking. happened with Kog'maw
Posted 28 November 2020 - 08:13

Anyone know how to modify code so that it will use minimap to cast R on an enemy off the screen(Kogmaw). LazyXerath does this for Xerath ult so I assume it can be done here too.
Posted 10 December 2020 - 03:15

KogMaw work amazing
38 game
76% winrate
probable the best champ in this aio
Posted 10 December 2020 - 07:47

KogMaw work amazing
38 game
76% winrate
probable the best champ in this aio
Yea he is OP cept sometimes annoying when it tries to cast R and they arent on the screen it will cast random spots. Ezreal does that same thing with his Qs.
Posted 17 December 2020 - 02:26

orbwalk and prediction need update
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