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[OKAY✔️][Patch:13.x] GG Series - AIO | Orbwalker | Prediction | Jhin, Blitzcrank, Taric, ...

Best Answer Aristo , 16 July 2023 - 02:59

-GGAIO updated to version 1.9581!: Tested Kogmaw works fine. If you haven't received the update, re-install it manually: https://raw.githubus...aster/GGAIO.lua


-GGorbwalker updated to version 3.006!: You should have it automatically once you get into a game and hit f6-key twice.

If you haven't received it, re-install it manually: https://raw.githubus...GGOrbwalker.lua



  • New Champ Naafiri added for Target selector
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Thanks to Hightail and Icebar for the input and updates. 

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can u add taric w shield on incoming damage and also heal pls? and ult on min hp ?


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for some reason i cant get these scripts to work, i would love some support if possible


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Fixed twitch E damage


there is logic and it works properly but it is disabled when level W == 0 or when there is no enemy in attack range. I added a menu option: "skip W buff check if no attack target" ON/OFF.

OK done

what done mate?

if u can make it i need q vayne to cuorse please

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Just tried vayne top and got stomped. Do you have a tutorial? Like am I supposed to be holding in U, Spacebar, C, Last hitting with X (hold in) ?

I'm confused, what is the way to play? 

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Is it just me, or is this causing crashes? Whenever I snap the camera it seems like my game just ALT+F4.

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Just tried vayne top and got stomped. Do you have a tutorial? Like am I supposed to be holding in U, Spacebar, C, Last hitting with X (hold in) ?

I'm confused, what is the way to play? 

Dont play vayne top first rules

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Just tried vayne top and got stomped. Do you have a tutorial? Like am I supposed to be holding in U, Spacebar, C, Last hitting with X (hold in) ?

I'm confused, what is the way to play? 

Just set the U key in your league keys do not hold U, hold spacebar. 

U key must be like this: 


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Just set the U key in your league keys do not hold U, hold spacebar. 

U key must be like this: 



Ok done, if I'm holding in Spacebar for the "Combo" - what about C for "Harass" ?

Also, last hitting isn't great? (Twitch)

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Ok done, if I'm holding in Spacebar for the "Combo" - what about C for "Harass" ?

Also, last hitting isn't great? (Twitch)

Just do not press U, press the orbwalker keys, combo key, harass key or last hit key. 

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Ok it's working for Blitz and Morgana for me.

@Developer - Can you add Brand? Please :)

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Why does this script prevent me from kiting and absolutely stops fighting anyone when I hold space?

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I've noticed that I am unable to kite with just caitlyn idk if its the script (pussyaio) or if the orbwalker needs settings adjusted for cait. Sometimes she just doesn't move at all and gets stuck which kinda destroys the purpose of a that high range champ chasing kinda works but kiting away from champs is where it gets weird.

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Why does this script prevent me from kiting and absolutely stops fighting anyone when I hold space?

Check the other scripts you use. Try with only ggorbwalker and champ script. 

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Ezreal spell going completly wrong, i set false for the cursor multiple times...

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This is super clean! Here's hoping you add more champs eventually  :wub:

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Blitzcrank isn't responding to the script at all, as the guy above mentioned, Ezreal is also a little off 

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Blitzcrank isn't responding to the script at all, as the guy above mentioned, Ezreal is also a little off 

Ezreal is working perfectly fine, make sure you do not active any other scripts than GGorbwalker and GGaio and make sure you disabled the drawings on them. 

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Ezreal is working perfectly fine, make sure you do not active any other scripts than GGorbwalker and GGaio and make sure you disabled the drawings on them. 

Not even official scripts? I always have a few of them enabled. I wouldn't mind knowing if anyone else had problems with Blitzcrank - nothing I tried worked

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Not even official scripts? I always have a few of them enabled. I wouldn't mind knowing if anyone else had problems with Blitzcrank - nothing I tried worked

Most of them are causing problems, I only use champ tracker to keep track enemies CDs but i do not know the others. And blitz should be fine if you get this file.



Plus you can adjust the ping setting in prediction and orbwalker make them as your real ping or -10 or +10, try it, ezreal is the most stable champ in EXT, tbh. 

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Most of them are causing problems, I only use champ tracker to keep track enemies CDs but i do not know the others. And blitz should be fine if you get this file.



Plus you can adjust the ping setting in prediction and orbwalker make them as your real ping or -10 or +10, try it, ezreal is the most stable champ in EXT, tbh. 

Sadly the folder didn't fix my issue with Blitzcrank not throwing out his Q. It could be more of a me issue rather than an issue with the scripts. For example a lot of scripts simply refuse to work for me in one way or another, with the most common occurrence being the menu freezes up to the point where I have to close the 32bit process. The other problem I have is my PC won't allow scripts to update through Github. 

I appreciate your replies and found this script to respond better with the champions that work for me when I simply turn off all drawings in ggorbwalker. 

So thank you!

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