hey i have a question, is there a way to set a "damage offset" for a champion in last hitting? a "time" delay doesn't affect anything when the script thinks you do more damage than you do
a good example is seraphine, whenever i play her mid the script wont last hit, it will always do 5-7 damage less than it "thinks" she does, leaving creeps with 1 hp constantly
Is there a feature for this? if not how can i change champion damage values? thanks.
if theres no way to do this, then can you take a look at seraphine's damages? she always seems to do slightly less than the script thinks, or could you add a feature so i could tell the script to last hit at a lower damage value? this would be really helpful for slowing down the speed at which you shove a lane too allowing a tighter freeze
a lot of other orbwalkers (like the ones on BOL) have this feature and it's great, i understand if its too much to add though