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[OKAY✔️][Patch:13.x] GG Series - AIO | Orbwalker | Prediction | Jhin, Blitzcrank, Taric, ...

Best Answer Aristo , 16 July 2023 - 02:59
-GGAIO updated to version 1.9581!: Tested Kogmaw works fine. If you haven't received the update, re-install it manually: https://raw.githubus...aster/GGAIO.lua
-GGorbwalker updated to version 3.006!: You should have it automatically once you get into a game and hit f6-key twice.
If you haven't received it, re-install it manually: https://raw.githubus...GGOrbwalker.lua
- New Champ Naafiri added for Target selector
Thanks to Hightail and Icebar for the input and updates.
Go to the full post »
Posted 30 July 2021 - 01:18

Posted 30 July 2021 - 07:04

Add an option for vayne to use Q only after AA
Posted 30 July 2021 - 08:20

Could you add Jinx please? <3
Posted 02 August 2021 - 06:47

First of all, scripts working mostly very nice. Using the Morgana and Blitzcrank when playing support
A feature that I could see as a huge upgrade is a toggle hotkey for Auto spells.
For Blitz: Auto Q /on/off
Morgana: Auto Q on/off
Sometimes you might not wanna auto stun/ try to stun and can only disable when going thru the menu. A simple hotkey as in pussyAIO f.e. would be amazing.
Posted 03 August 2021 - 05:39

seraphine csing is off. Will not last hit
Posted 15 August 2021 - 09:45

I wish CSing was better in general, especially under turret
Also, Ezreal's Q last hit seem to ignore collision
Posted 07 September 2021 - 12:46

manually cs and sbtw in fights is the best thing atm
Posted 07 September 2021 - 08:10

I am lazy and CSing is probably the main reason for me to use GoS
Posted 06 October 2021 - 05:41

Posted 06 October 2021 - 07:13

Posted 18 October 2021 - 10:59

Posting it here since I haven't found a thread dedicated to GGOrbwalker in the Utilities section:
The attack reset function specifically made for Riven is what's actually causing people disconnections because it has no delay at all. Would you mind fixing it?
There seem to be two chunks of code related to Riven animation cancelling:
--print("Attack Reset") -- RIVEN if Object.IsRiven then X = X + 1 if X == 1 then T = GetTickCount() end if X == 3 then --print(GetTickCount() - T) end local isThree = Buff:HasBuff(myHero, 'riventricleavesoundtwo') if isThree then X = 0 end local riven_start = GetTickCount() + 450 + (isThree and 100 or 0) - LATENCY Action:Add(function() if GetTickCount() < riven_start then if Cursor.Step == 0 then Movement.MoveTimer = 0 Control.Move() end return false end Orbwalker:SetAttack(true) Attack.Reset = true return true end) Orbwalker:SetAttack(false) return end
if (Object.IsRiven or spellData.mana <= myHero.mana) and spellData.currentCd == 0 and (not AttackResetName or spellData.name == AttackResetName) then if AttackResetActiveSpell then self.AttackResetTimer = GetTickCount() local startTime = GetTickCount() + 400 Action:Add(function() local s = myHero.activeSpell if s and s.valid and s.name == AttackResetSpellName then self.AttackResetTimer = GetTickCount() self.AttackResetSuccess = true --print("Attack Reset ActiveSpell") --print(startTime - GetTickCount()) return true end if GetTickCount() < startTime then return false end return true end) return end
If you go in-game as Riven with only GGOrbwalker enabled and cast Q you will notice the movement click spam (tens or hundreds of clicks in a very short time window).
A provisional fix for those willing to play Riven in the meantime is to increase the "Clicker sleep delay" option from the general GoS settings. Values like 15-20 do the job for me already and I can perform the Q1-Q2-Q3 combo consistently, but not the minimum allowed in the settings (11). The higher this value is, the more consistently you will play with no disconnections (at the risk of making the script become unable to cancel animations properly if this value is too high). Tweak your settings and experiment a little bit in training mode until you find a clicker sleep delay that suits you.
Cheers and thanks for the amazing job!
Posted 19 October 2021 - 12:29

I really felt like playing Riven so I made a spaghetti workaround that seems to fix the Riven issue. Basically it adds a delay between movement clicks while performing the post-Q reset, and so far it doesn't seem to trigger the disconnect thing from Riot:
This version of GGOrbwalker also allows you to set CursorDelay to 0 and humanizer clicking delays to 30 milliseconds in case you feel like limit testing the Riven combo efficiency.
Please keep in mind that I made this in just a few minutes and we are still waiting for an actual solution from the script's author.
Posted 20 October 2021 - 12:55

I really felt like playing Riven so I made a spaghetti workaround that seems to fix the Riven issue. Basically it adds a delay between movement clicks while performing the post-Q reset, and so far it doesn't seem to trigger the disconnect thing from Riot:
This version of GGOrbwalker also allows you to set CursorDelay to 0 and humanizer clicking delays to 30 milliseconds in case you feel like limit testing the Riven combo efficiency.
Please keep in mind that I made this in just a few minutes and we are still waiting for an actual solution from the script's author.
Just downloaded your version of orbwalker, do I need to change something ? If so , can u send prints ? Kinda dumb here haha. Which Riven script you are using?
Posted 20 October 2021 - 01:40

Just downloaded your version of orbwalker, do I need to change something ? If so , can u send prints ? Kinda dumb here haha.
Hey there!
- For the Riven fix you don't need to change anything, just go in-game with her and one of the scripts from the community and try spamming Q and see if it keeps you from getting disconnected (as it happened with Riven Q before)
- If you want to test the 0ms cursor delay and the 30ms humanizer go into GGOrbwalker settings and change the two sliders that I've highlighted in the screenshot:
Then hold any of the orbwalker hotkeys (spacebar, C, V, X, A...) and you'll see the clicking speed in action.
Cheers and I hope you like it!
Posted 20 October 2021 - 02:16

Hey there!
- For the Riven fix you don't need to change anything, just go in-game with her and one of the scripts from the community and try spamming Q and see if it keeps you from getting disconnected (as it happened with Riven Q before)
- If you want to test the 0ms cursor delay and the 30ms humanizer go into GGOrbwalker settings and change the two sliders that I've highlighted in the screenshot:
Then hold any of the orbwalker hotkeys (spacebar, C, V, X, A...) and you'll see the clicking speed in action.
Cheers and I hope you like it!
Thank you! Gonna try it. And personally which Riven script u prefer?
Posted 20 October 2021 - 09:39

Anytime!Thank you! Gonna try it. And personally which Riven script u prefer?

To be honest both are good, I would suggest you trying both and see which one fits your playstyle better. Personally I use pussykate's because I like the fact that it has 2 popular combos implemented (Shy and Wehrli).
However if you want to discuss about Riven scripts let's better switch to private messages though, as some people may consider it's not related to the topic of the thread and they may find it annoying.
Have a nice day!

Posted 21 October 2021 - 06:11

It's only me or gg orbwalker is too slow? It feel so slow to this point that bronze player can kite better?
Posted 21 October 2021 - 06:38

It's only me or gg orbwalker is too slow? It feel so slow to this point that bronze player can kite better?
It is now slow, just make sure you enable GGorbwalker + a champion script and cdtracker, because when you enable many scripts they drop ext fps and that ruins the performance, myself hit to diamond with ext, and I know people who reached to grandmaster/challenger with EXT, so it's not even close to bronze. You just gotta make sure fps is ok, and you are using the proper scripts and you can also disable drawings.
Posted 03 November 2021 - 09:04

Posted 04 November 2021 - 01:03

It is now slow, just make sure you enable GGorbwalker + a champion script and cdtracker, because when you enable many scripts they drop ext fps and that ruins the performance, myself hit to diamond with ext, and I know people who reached to grandmaster/challenger with EXT, so it's not even close to bronze. You just gotta make sure fps is ok, and you are using the proper scripts and you can also disable drawings.
Which champs did you use to reach diamond? or lane role bro?
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