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[SEMI-OKAY✔️]Pussy AIO [73 Champions] (I am not the developer of it.)

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The error on azir goes like this : Common/pussyaio/dynamicscript.lua:666: unexpected symbol near '')''



How can i look where is the unexpected symbol exactly? The lua document is kind of complicated 

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for the dynamicscript.lua and getdmg.lua error go to the pussyAIO folder then find those two lua files, right click, then go to properties, then mark them as read only, it worked for me.

Doing that will give a ''access denied'' error. I think lua documents cannot be read-only  

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Is it just me or Riven FPS drops whenever there is an enemy nearby? It goes very slow, like <10FPS

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Is it just me or Riven FPS drops whenever there is an enemy nearby? It goes very slow, like <10FPS

It's not just you, PussyAIO is very old and accesses really old and un-optimized functions that DESTROY your FPS.

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It's not just you, PussyAIO is very old and accesses really old and un-optimized functions that DESTROY your FPS.

Thanks for your reply! I didn't know about the obsolescence of some functions (haven't developed anything myself in a while)


I'm no Riven expert but I know one of the most rewarding things are the animation cancelling combos. Do you think it would be possible to create an efficient animation-cancelling Riven script in ext?

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Possible? Absolutely, problem is there's only a few of us developers. I myself am focused on my KillerAIO scripts and utility.

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Why does it not support arena mode?

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Why does it not support arena mode?

ofc its support just hit 2x F6 before every fight

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The error on azir goes like this : Common/pussyaio/dynamicscript.lua:666: unexpected symbol near '')''



How can i look where is the unexpected symbol exactly? The lua document is kind of complicated 


same error for me how to solve it ? its been months

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same error for me how to solve it ? its been months

`new azir script being worked on , this one will be crap

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The error on azir goes like this : Common/pussyaio/dynamicscript.lua:666: unexpected symbol near '')''



How can i look where is the unexpected symbol exactly? The lua document is kind of complicated 



same error for me how to solve it ? its been months


Should be fixed

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Should be fixed


We need script, one of the best thx for fix :)


btw akali error arena



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We need script, one of the best thx for fix :)


btw akali error arena



Make sure you have the latest scripts by installing this: http://gamingonstero...ed-set-them-up/

and after you install it hit f6 key a few times in game to get the required updates. 

And tell us if you still get this error. 

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Make sure you have the latest scripts by installing this: http://gamingonstero...ed-set-them-up/

and after you install it hit f6 key a few times in game to get the required updates. 

And tell us if you still get this error. 


yes I always have latest scripts 

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Thanks for the update, i'll run through these to see what's working. 

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Kalista's E ability isn't working properly since the last update (same with the WR AIO script) as if it doesn't apply damage and uses E when the enemy is very low on health instead of when it should with enough stacks

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Question maybe someone might know, but i noticed in Aram when i use pussySamira is actually different from the one you'd use in a ranked or normal game, and works extremely well in Aram when getting that combo going, is there away to replicate the setting configurations to make it work as well as it does in Aram in normal / ranked.

or maybe i was using pussy Aio instead of pussy Samira. 

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Can someone check Kalista E spell? Looks like E working only when can KS, but no cast when can kill normally, working good on 13.14/15 patch but not working since patch 13.16 on both script pussy and wr aio 

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I cant get this script to work with any champ. All other scripts i can use except this one. 

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For anyone getting a damagelib hasbuff error with Brand, the following changes to damagelib fixed it:

  ["Brand"] = {
    {Slot = "Q", Stage = 1, DamageType = 2, Damage = function(source, target, level) return ({80, 110, 140, 170, 200})[level] + 0.60 * source.ap end},
      Slot = "W",
      Stage = 1,
      DamageType = 2,
      Damage = function(source, target, level)
        -- local buff = Buff:Hasbuff(target, "BrandAblaze"); -- this was giving error
        local buff = GetBuffData(target, "BrandAblaze")
        local dmg = ({75, 120, 165, 210, 255})[level] + 0.60 * source.ap;
        if buff
        and buff.duration > 0
          dmg = dmg * 1.25
        return dmg
    {Slot = "E", Stage = 1, DamageType = 2, Damage = function(source, target, level) return ({70, 95, 120, 145, 170})[level] + 0.55 * source.ap end},
    {Slot = "R", Stage = 1, DamageType = 2, Damage = function(source, target, level) return ({100, 200, 300})[level] + 0.25 * source.ap end},

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