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Zeri GP 17 Champs

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I'm happy to add Zeri E, but would prefer to have some conditions to use it. Any thoughts?

i think it would be nice to add E in combo with option to enable/disable, in teamfight u can use E for kitting like vayne's Q, and if E reset AA, a perfect reset is always nice. Maybe an option to use E only when R is active, since Q charged reduce E cooldown.

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I'm happy to add Zeri E, but would prefer to have some conditions to use it. Any thoughts?

E dodge skillshots 🤔🤗 if possible
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Syndra Q in Combo mode even if the enemy is far from the range .. still same problem 

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Syndra q is working for me
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Syndra q is working for me

she does Q but the champion still far from me like she Q even the champion is far away

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U are doing nice job man ! Keep doing ur work ! Waiting for official release of lee and qiyana ! :)

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First of all, thank you for all your work so far!

My feedback on Zeri would be (or how my ideal Zeri script would function like):


Combo mode:

Q: // leave as is


W: Toggle between modes using "T", roaming mode // teamfight mode:

Roaming mode:

Will use W through walls. Also with a slider to choose minimum champs to hit.


Teamfight mode:

Will use W to slow enemy individuals or whenever structure near it, use that.


E: Will dash to either side or enemy whenever they are a certain % HP.


R: Will use R when X amount of enemies are in a certain range.


Also would be great if prediction type could be changed by the user.

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she does Q but the champion still far from me like she Q even the champion is far away

Are you holding V? If so, she will farm with Q if not toggled off.

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Working good so  far, but I think the Q logic needs a bit of love. Its spamming Qs even when not inrange as soon as you press combo.

If some tweaks would be added this one is def. top tier !


Hi all,

I've pushed through an update to include Syndra. Pretty happy with this one.

  • Combo (with EQ/QE depending on range, Q, W, R if killable with combo).
  • Harass (Q)
  • Anti-melee
  • Auto Ult if killable
  • Auto-harass if they use an auto attack or ability.
  • Ultimate blacklist (except when the blacklist target is the only one within 1500 units)



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well for me the script doesnt open ingame , i mean yea its shown up. but if i want to change some of the settings there appears no menu


with lee sin

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I tried Lee Sin, and I like your work so far. Still found some issues tho, and I hope you can improve your work!
1. Lee is not using his full Passive in Jungle Clear (constantly resetting at 1 Passive with another Spell)
My Suggestion: Make it early using full Passive for Jungle Clear, After Level 6 Passive Reset at 1 (as it is now) since CD's are much lower
2. You should add a Check on Morgana Shield, Lee tries to use R in Combo even with Morg Shield, so it shouldn't use R if Target has Morgana Shield buff :)

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Cheers for the feedback.

I've been a bit busy with work, but I am hoping to push out some more tweaks to the script next weekend.

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Cheers for the feedback.

I've been a bit busy with work, but I am hoping to push out some more tweaks to the script next weekend.


I've been using the older zeri script for a while now. 80% wr in d4 atm (i use q only on it no w). passive + q enough for me


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I've been using the older zeri script for a while now. 80% wr in d4 atm (i use q only on it no w). passive + q enough for me


Zeri slow is OP.

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Hi all,

I've pushed an update to Zeri.

I've provided menu toggle options to provide more customisation of how the script will operate for Q and W mode.
I've added support for E and R in combo mode.


I've also added prediction to the Q.

This feels very OP to me. Enjoy!
Please click the install button to get the latest update.

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Hi all,

I've pushed an update to Zeri.

I've provided menu toggle options to provide more customisation of how the script will operate for Q and W mode.
I've added support for E and R in combo mode.
I've also added prediction to the Q.

This feels very OP to me. Enjoy!
Please click the install button to get the latest update.

This is very nice, thanks,
Can you also try and add Orn or renata please?
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Hi all,

I've pushed an update to Zeri.

I've provided menu toggle options to provide more customisation of how the script will operate for Q and W mode.
I've added support for E and R in combo mode.


I've also added prediction to the Q.

This feels very OP to me. Enjoy!
Please click the install button to get the latest update.


Thank you so much for your hard work. Do you perhaps have a Ko-fi or patreon?

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Hey there, firstly great work on providing scripts for champs without them, thank you.


Been testing GP, and found that he very rarely auto uses W, Q works ok, Barrels are Ok and R is auto casting when enemy champ is low enough health but for me just casts it about 15 feet from me and down to bottom left of screen so like when i was in shop it auto cast R by the between steps and nexus.

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Hey there, firstly great work on providing scripts for champs without them, thank you.


Been testing GP, and found that he very rarely auto uses W, Q works ok, Barrels are Ok and R is auto casting when enemy champ is low enough health but for me just casts it about 15 feet from me and down to bottom left of screen so like when i was in shop it auto cast R by the between steps and nexus.


Yeah, I would recommend disabling the ultimate..

W is only used when CC'd. But this does not include slows.

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well for me the script doesnt open ingame , i mean yea its shown up. but if i want to change some of the settings there appears no menu


with lee sin




I tried Lee Sin, and I like your work so far. Still found some issues tho, and I hope you can improve your work!
1. Lee is not using his full Passive in Jungle Clear (constantly resetting at 1 Passive with another Spell)
My Suggestion: Make it early using full Passive for Jungle Clear, After Level 6 Passive Reset at 1 (as it is now) since CD's are much lower
2. You should add a Check on Morgana Shield, Lee tries to use R in Combo even with Morg Shield, so it shouldn't use R if Target has Morgana Shield buff :)



I have the same issue as xauberpuuma, but it seems for others its working? How can I get Lee sin menu to show?


I'm generally loading the script ingame, others work fine, it also says lee sin scripts are loaded but I can't open the menu when clicking in the script menu.

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Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: Zeri, GP, 17 Champs

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