would be good if you can implement custom bind for where ward key is at instead of default 4
You can adjust GOS keybinds in "Main Settings" -> "Spell Hotkeys" menu, this is not specific to my script.
would be good if you can implement custom bind for where ward key is at instead of default 4
You can adjust GOS keybinds in "Main Settings" -> "Spell Hotkeys" menu, this is not specific to my script.
I might look at adding some additional settings that allow you to account for your lag with the R flash. I've never had an issue with it with my lag though.
I intentionally space Q2, as I personally find a lot more success with delaying Q2.
I find that the situations where it is better to not delay it are exceptions, but not a good general rule.
However, I have implemented a distance of 400 where if the enemy goes outside of that, it will Q2 even within the timer.
If ping is the issue, what are you typically running at? I usually have ~20ms consistently.
Getting an error on line 1821, invalid 'hero' or something I couldn't ss (for Lee). Sorry I'm not more helpful
Zeri doesnt work to me, doesnt appear any idea?
Getting an error on line 1821, invalid 'hero' or something I couldn't ss (for Lee). Sorry I'm not more helpful
Try re-install now.
Zeri doesnt work to me, doesnt appear any idea?
Go here to download the latest version of all scripts http://gamingonstero...-just-one-file/
Then come back to this page and click the install button.
Elise straight buggin man, combo just spams abilities and console prints. Really rough, not really playable.
Zeri needs lane clear on towers for q, and probably a bit of tweaking on the w
will there be any new champions this weekend? looking forward for an ORN or DR MUNDO pls
Hi all,
I have uploaded a new version which includes a release of Karthus.
As you would expect it includes:
As well as some additional menu items.
Nice !!!
Karthus Error , ' attempt to compare number with table when i unlock his R
Karthus Error , ' attempt to compare number with table when i unlock his R
Fixed. Reinstall.
Fixed. Reinstall.
hi bro, using the zeri script, when the combo button is pressed, the mouse will keep clicking on the foot of the champion.
hi bro, using the zeri script, when the combo button is pressed, the mouse will keep clicking on the foot of the champion.
foot of the champ :Thinking: sounds pretty interesting, can you record a video?
Karthus bot is really OP by the way.
nice script dev for lee sin <3
Karthus bot is really OP by the way.
just tried it, the ult function is really good i think my ms is too high to make full use of it though
Zeri is only use her spell "q spell" but she didn't Auto attack.
A very few of times, she auto attack, but i think, it's completly broken...
In my setting, i have the same as:
aLL THE OTHER SCRIPTS are working with spell + AA, but no you're Zeri bro..., like in this link example you Gnar:
Can you help me or fix it ?
Zeri is only use her spell "q spell" but she didn't Auto attack.
A very few of times, she auto attack, but i think, it's completly broken...
In my setting, i have the same as:
aLL THE OTHER SCRIPTS are working with spell + AA, but no you're Zeri bro..., like in this link example you Gnar:
Can you help me or fix it ?
The Zeri menu includes an option to block auto attacks when Q passive is not available.
This is the best way to play with Zeri, through using her Q's instead of auto's.
The only good exception is when the Q passive is up, as her charged auto's do good damage and slow enemies. Her uncharged auto attacks do almost no damage.
You can toggle the option if you insist.
The Zeri menu includes an option to block auto attacks when Q passive is not available.
This is the best way to play with Zeri, through using her Q's instead of auto's.
The only good exception is when the Q passive is up, as her charged auto's do good damage and slow enemies. Her uncharged auto attacks do almost no damage.
You can toggle the option if you insist.
This option does not work, when true only aa q passive, when false not aa at all.
and when combo If there are targets in the attack range, the mouse will auto click on zeri self always.
Please fix this two problems,thanks
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[OKAY✔️] Simple Marksmen AIOStarted by zgjfjfl , 22 Jul 2022 Nilah, Smolder, Zeri, Lucian and 6 more... |
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