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Zeri GP 17 Champs

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I have the same issue as xauberpuuma, but it seems for others its working? How can I get Lee sin menu to show?


I'm generally loading the script ingame, others work fine, it also says lee sin scripts are loaded but I can't open the menu when clicking in the script menu.

Lee sin has no menu because it's alpha release. People should learn to read. 

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Hi there,


Is there Tryndamere's auto ult script? I search around but only found an old script written by 2015 and not able install to external now...

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Yeah, I would recommend disabling the ultimate..

W is only used when CC'd. But this does not include slows.



Will disable Auto R :) 

And hadnt noticed W being used on stun, would be cool to have maybe a HP threshold to auto heal himself or a hp bar you can set percentage, but tbh doesnt need it.


Will try out your other scripts soon as i have the champions :) great work nice to have an active dev putting out scripts that are not covered by other dev teams :)

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Lee sin has no menu because it's alpha release. People should learn to read. 


Oh s*** sorry I missed that, it makes sense now.


So as I can read it, its pressing SPACE and the script decides what to do? so between just combo, insec, etc?


Only question that I have, more like a checkup...the target selection of this is based on the target priority set up in the GGOrbwalker, correct?

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Hi there,


Is there Tryndamere's auto ult script? I search around but only found an old script written by 2015 and not able install to external now...

 14 AIO

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Syndra Q in Combo mode even if the enemy is far from the range .. still same problem 

Does the same for me.


When pressing Space (Combo) litterly perma Qs around kinda^^

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mega Gnar sometimes causes GOS to crash after casting R(I found out while playing with ARAM, F6X2 will be back to normal)

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Hi all,


Added Gangplank as a new champion.

Please note that gangplank is very far from a spacebar to win champion, but this can help you with some combos.

You will definitely want to keep track of how many barrels you have and how far away the enemy is so that you are not exposing barrels to be wasted.


It offers:



  • Place first barrel near champion
  • Place additional barrels moving towards target
  • Clears chain if barrel will hit enemy
  • 3 barrel phantom combo

Harass with Q


Last Hit with Q


Ult if killable



In addition to Gangplank I have pushed updates to Syndra (E using existing orbs instead of EQ as I have found it more reliable), Zeri (disabling auto attack when not charged) and Gnar (gapcloser range increased).


Please re-install to get the latest file.




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Thanks for the amazing work! I'll test that Lee Sin in the following days. If he has a high Q accuracy, I'm definitely otping him and providing constant feedback and whatever form of support you may need :)

EDIT: Q pred is decent. It may need some small improvements, but its current state is already okay. Congrats!


I know you probably have most of these kind of details in mind for future development already, but it executes the flash+insec combo regardless of the target's HP. I Q'd into a target that was 1 HP and instead of hitting any ability, it wasted flash + R for the execute. 


Flee key does not take into account ally champions, despite taking into account wards/minions.  


I'll keep you posted on the future feedback! :D


PS. Script made my GoS crash once, somehow, tho  :( Don't know what caused it exactly, but I was just using GGOrb, Smite Manager and yours

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hey real quick, i like the gp script. There is a player you could watch who does main gp and he goes by the name Solar Becca. Maybe watching some of those video's will help improve said champion? One complaint i do have is when combo mode, Gangplank will walk into melee range even if barrels are able to kill target from a safe distance.  Maybe adding some logic like Q first then place a barrel? If you have sheen procked and place a barrel, that sheen proc will be instead placed into a barrel, More damage. Would it be possible to have auto Q harrass while above 50% mana? 

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Hi there,


Is there Tryndamere's auto ult script? I search around but only found an old script written by 2015 and not able install to external now...

Series.V2 has a tryndamere script that was made for me, the script sitll work fine with a lot of setting

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Zeri doesn't work, is anyone else having that issue?

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Zeri doesn't work, is anyone else having that issue?

It's working for me 

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Add to auto attack only if full charged on zeri option or fully disable auto attack

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I get a message saying GGorbwalker not enabled and that it is exiting even though ggorbwalker is enabled... anyone know the fix?

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I will push out a small update today.

Oh s*** sorry I missed that, it makes sense now.

So as I can read it, its pressing SPACE and the script decides what to do? so between just combo, insec, etc?

Only question that I have, more like a checkup...the target selection of this is based on the target priority set up in the GGOrbwalker, correct?

Yes, it uses GGOrbwalker for target selection. GGOrbwalker also allows you to explicitly specify targets by clicking on them.

Does the same for me.

When pressing Space (Combo) litterly perma Qs around kinda^^

Fixed hopefully today.

mega Gnar sometimes causes GOS to crash after casting R(I found out while playing with ARAM, F6X2 will be back to normal)

I can't confirm whether or not it will perform as expected on ARAM. It relies on MapPosition class for determining where walls are... I believe that this is implemented in ARAM map, but I'm not sure of any issues.

Thanks for the amazing work! I'll test that Lee Sin in the following days. If he has a high Q accuracy, I'm definitely otping him and providing constant feedback and whatever form of support you may need :)

EDIT: Q pred is decent. It may need some small improvements, but its current state is already okay. Congrats!

I know you probably have most of these kind of details in mind for future development already, but it executes the flash+insec combo regardless of the target's HP. I Q'd into a target that was 1 HP and instead of hitting any ability, it wasted flash + R for the execute.

Flee key does not take into account ally champions, despite taking into account wards/minions.

I'll keep you posted on the future feedback! :D

PS. Script made my GoS crash once, somehow, tho :( Don't know what caused it exactly, but I was just using GGOrb, Smite Manager and yours

LOL - flash R onto 1 HP target is an alpha move. Let me know if you have some logic ideas.

Lee Sin flee mode considers wards, minions and ally champions, but tries to maximise distance.
Not sure about the crashes.

hey real quick, i like the gp script. There is a player you could watch who does main gp and he goes by the name Solar Becca. Maybe watching some of those video's will help improve said champion? One complaint i do have is when combo mode, Gangplank will walk into melee range even if barrels are able to kill target from a safe distance. Maybe adding some logic like Q first then place a barrel? If you have sheen procked and place a barrel, that sheen proc will be instead placed into a barrel, More damage. Would it be possible to have auto Q harrass while above 50% mana?

It will ghost barrel (q first then place) for the 3rd barrel.. I don't know if it can be done for 2 barrels via GOS.. I'd need to experiment.
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I will push out a small update today.

Yes, it uses GGOrbwalker for target selection. GGOrbwalker also allows you to explicitly specify targets by clicking on them.
Fixed hopefully today.

I can't confirm whether or not it will perform as expected on ARAM. It relies on MapPosition class for determining where walls are... I believe that this is implemented in ARAM map, but I'm not sure of any issues.
LOL - flash R onto 1 HP target is an alpha move. Let me know if you have some logic ideas.

Lee Sin flee mode considers wards, minions and ally champions, but tries to maximise distance.
Not sure about the crashes.

It will ghost barrel (q first then place) for the 3rd barrel.. I don't know if it can be done for 2 barrels via GOS.. I'd need to experiment.

I've seen a couple of times on Lee where it will just ult. I'm not sure why. It doesn't try to ward hop, flash, or anything. It just ults the enemy away from me, at low hp. I do not have Q up, and they usually get out free.

I have also encountered the lua ulting, then flashing. I'm assuming you're trying to buffer the R and flash, but I don't think GOS is fast enough for that. Either that, or wait until the casting for the R is active then flash. I'm not sure how you're detecting the R being used, but if you're doing it by waiting till it's in range, pressing R then flash, not sure that's the play here.

After hitting Q1, sometimes it will wait before doing Q2 when holding space. I'm not sure if this is intentional, it kinda feels like it's waiting between passive hits as if they were there. Maybe doing a check to see if you're in range for auto's to proc passive when waiting here. Again, not sure if this is even intentional, but it will not Q2 instantly and sometimes they will go out of range cause of this.

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Hi all,


A few changes to the script. Mostly some quality of life updates for Syndra.


Lee Sin released for version 1.

It currently lacks good duelling logic, particularly around R usage.. but it is quite good with ganking and team fighting.


See menu below for details.


    self.Menu:MenuElement({type = MENU, id = "Flee", name = "Flee"})
        self.Menu.Flee:MenuElement({id = "Wards", name = "Wards", value = true})
        self.Menu.Flee:MenuElement({id = "Allies", name = "Allies", value = true})
        self.Menu.Flee:MenuElement({id = "Minions", name = "Minions", value = true})

    self.Menu:MenuElement({type = MENU, id = "Clear", name = "Clear"})
        self.Menu.Clear:MenuElement({id = "Enabled", name = "Enabled", value = true})
        self.Menu.Clear:MenuElement({id = "Passive", name = "Manage Passive", value = true})
        self.Menu.Clear:MenuElement({id = "QSpell", name = "[Q]", value = true})
        self.Menu.Clear:MenuElement({id = "WSpell", name = "[W]", value = true})
        self.Menu.Clear:MenuElement({id = "ESpell", name = "[E]", value = true})
    self.Menu:MenuElement({type = MENU, id = "Safeguard", name = "Safeguard"})
        self.Menu.Safeguard:MenuElement({id = "HPCombo", name = "Combo - Min. HP Self", min = 1, max = 100, value = 60})
        self.Menu.Safeguard:MenuElement({id = "HPAlly", name = "Combo - Min. HP Ally", min = 1, max = 100, value = 30})
        self.Menu.Safeguard:MenuElement({id = "HPClear", name = "Clear - Min. HP Self", min = 1, max = 100, value = 100})

    self.Menu:MenuElement({type = MENU, id = "Insec", name = "Insec"})  
        self.Menu.Insec:MenuElement({id="Enabled", name = "Enabled", value = true, toggle = true})
        self.Menu.Insec:MenuElement({id = "MinHP", name = "Target > X% HP", min = 1, max = 100, value = 15})
        self.Menu.Insec:MenuElement({id = "WardJump", name = "Ward jump insec", value = true, toggle = true})
        self.Menu.Insec:MenuElement({id = "Flash", name = "Flash insec", value = true, toggle = true})

    self.Menu:MenuElement({type = MENU, id = "Ultimate", name = "Ultimate Logic"})
        self.Menu.Ultimate:MenuElement({type = MENU, id = "Duelling", name = "Duelling - Not implemented"})
        self.Menu.Ultimate:MenuElement({type = MENU, id = "MultiUlt", name = "Multi-target ultimate"})
            self.Menu.Ultimate.MultiUlt:MenuElement({id = "Enabled", name = "Enabled", value = true, toggle = true})
            self.Menu.Ultimate.MultiUlt:MenuElement({id = "UltAmount", name = "Ult if hit >= x enemies", min = 1, max = 5, value = 2})
            self.Menu.Ultimate.MultiUlt:MenuElement({id = "Walk", name = "Walk into position - 50 > dist < 200 ", value = true, toggle = true})
            self.Menu.Ultimate.MultiUlt:MenuElement({id = "WardJump", name = "Ward jump into position - 200 > dist < 400", value = true, toggle = true})

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I've seen a couple of times on Lee where it will just ult. I'm not sure why. It doesn't try to ward hop, flash, or anything. It just ults the enemy away from me, at low hp. I do not have Q up, and they usually get out free.

I have also encountered the lua ulting, then flashing. I'm assuming you're trying to buffer the R and flash, but I don't think GOS is fast enough for that. Either that, or wait until the casting for the R is active then flash. I'm not sure how you're detecting the R being used, but if you're doing it by waiting till it's in range, pressing R then flash, not sure that's the play here.

After hitting Q1, sometimes it will wait before doing Q2 when holding space. I'm not sure if this is intentional, it kinda feels like it's waiting between passive hits as if they were there. Maybe doing a check to see if you're in range for auto's to proc passive when waiting here. Again, not sure if this is even intentional, but it will not Q2 instantly and sometimes they will go out of range cause of this.

I might look at adding some additional settings that allow you to account for your lag with the R flash. I've never had an issue with it with my lag though.


I intentionally space Q2, as I personally find a lot more success with delaying Q2.

I find that the situations where it is better to not delay it are exceptions, but not a good general rule.

However, I have implemented a distance of 400 where if the enemy goes outside of that, it will Q2 even within the timer.

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I might look at adding some additional settings that allow you to account for your lag with the R flash. I've never had an issue with it with my lag though.


I intentionally space Q2, as I personally find a lot more success with delaying Q2.

I find that the situations where it is better to not delay it are exceptions, but not a good general rule.

However, I have implemented a distance of 400 where if the enemy goes outside of that, it will Q2 even within the timer.

would be good if you can implement custom bind for where ward key is at instead of default 4

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Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: Zeri, GP, 17 Champs

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