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killer aio syndra veigar karthus annie gangplank naafiri chogath hwei

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i have no MS or fps issues . The script is not AAing enough and feels like it limits your movement.

Also many times could land some Q but it wouldnt cast and sometimes they were quite off but thats ok since it cant hit everything

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i have no MS or fps issues . The script is not AAing enough and feels like it limits your movement.

Also many times could land some Q but it wouldnt cast and sometimes they were quite off but thats ok since it cant hit everything

i noticed that too sometimes it can hit but doesnt so i did it my self for the kill

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Ez worked well for me. Just carried two games. Not bad for EXT :)

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it has increased my ms in game tho

GoS has no affect on your latency.

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Just pushed an update on Ezreal that should affect your Q-AA weaving in Combo mode. Please let me know if this feels better!

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video test of updated KillerEZ vs GGEZ for reference: https://outplayed.tv...3PoZ/lol-ezreal


In the video we start off with GG hitting dragon and half way switching to Killer then continuing on to the next stage of the test by hitting dummy with Killer and then switching back to GG.

note: This update was mainly for combo weaving and the clear wasn't updated

When it comes to jungle clearing, the only difference I can tell is that as your Q hits the target, his Q cd is reduced and subsequently resetting the Q;

GG in this moment will prioritise AA when both AA and Q is available for the champion to use. The result is mostly: Q>AA>Q>AA>Q>AA>Q with it sometimes using Q instead of AA (Q>AA>Q>Q>AA>Q>AA...) 
Killer in this moment will prioritise Q when both AA and Q is available. The result is that where GG would AA, Killer will use Q resulting in the AA cancelling mid animation.

Reminder that clear was NOT updated so this can obviously be "fixed" if it needs fixing, though I don't see a big impact on gameplay here. DPS efficiency difference here is so low that it might not even matter at all.


On the second test, this is where the update really shines. Combo weaving has been greatly improved upon as you can see in the video. (Using Killer first and then switching to GG)

As you can see, the DPS is a steady average of around 2.1k-2.2k whereas GG would sometimes drop to 1.9k DPS. 
When in combo mode, Killer will use Ezreal's abilities to its fullest extent, maximising efficiency whereas in GG there is a slight pause that results in a break but allows movement. 

There are benefits to both. For one, GG is more humanised and less obvious but results in lower damage output. Killer however, will take the champion to its absolute limit. 
Although this might sound like it makes scripting on Ez more obvious when using Killer, I believe it'd be easily mitigated by NOT holding down space and letting combo mode do its thing. The best result would be a player, using combo mode when necessary and releasing when it's not. 


Overall, massive improvement and is now my preferred Ezreal script, finally taking the crown off GGEZ.

And just a reminder, this is only the second iteration of KillerEZ that may get future updates. 

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Jungle Clearing can easily be fixed to include weaving :wub:

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Wassup bro, EZ is insane, which champs do you plan to do next? Better zed or qiyana or viktor would be fire:D

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I'm debating between Ziggs and Zyra

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There was a Nocturne bug involving drawings that I just pushed a fix for.

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I'm debating between Ziggs and Zyra


zyra  :D

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tristana/velkoz would be cool also 

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I'm debating between Ziggs and Zyra

Zyra, it would be also cool to see a champion like Renata Glasc, Vladimir, Twisted Fate :) 

Ezreal works like a charm, thanks! 

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sorry, maybe question u alrdy ask but which pred is KillerAIO using ?


Here, for Ez, GGAIO pred is 10x better :)


Anyway, i'm sure in future, with good settings, this one will be more better

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sorry, maybe question u alrdy ask but which pred is KillerAIO using ?


Here, for Ez, GGAIO pred is 10x better :)


Anyway, i'm sure in future, with good settings, this one will be more better

I agree the prediction way off in KillerEz

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prediction is fine for me killer ez is fire 

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sorry, maybe question u alrdy ask but which pred is KillerAIO using ?


Here, for Ez, GGAIO pred is 10x better :)


Anyway, i'm sure in future, with good settings, this one will be more better

It uses a hybrid prediction between KillerPred and GGPred, I am going to do some tweaking tonight though.

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I just pushed a patch for Ezreal, doing some logic tuning and adjusting prediction values. Let me know if it feels better!


Also added Q Killsteal

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i will test but alrdy thank you :)

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having an issue where even on a fresh install the new version crashes for me, even with literally 0 scripts enabled except this and ggorbwalker. never even loads

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Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: killer, aio, syndra, veigar, karthus, annie, gangplank, naafiri, chogath, hwei

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