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killer aio syndra veigar karthus annie gangplank naafiri chogath hwei

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Naafiri is released!



  • Ignite support
  • W Engage settings (Solo vs. Teamfight)
  • Semi-manual W engage with optional Flash + E engage
  • Harass Logic with Q
  • Last Hit Logic for E and Q
  • Adjustable Jungle & Lane Clear
  • Optimized performance
  • Killstealing with E
  • HP Damage Bars with Overkill indicator
  • Killable Reticle
  • Tons of draw options
  • Improved Auto Leveler


This is an early version release that will be improving over time. But this should be fully playable! Please report any bugs here on discord, thanks <3

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Naafiri is released!



  • Ignite support
  • W Engage settings (Solo vs. Teamfight)
  • Semi-manual W engage with optional Flash + E engage
  • Harass Logic with Q
  • Last Hit Logic for E and Q
  • Adjustable Jungle & Lane Clear
  • Optimized performance
  • Killstealing with E
  • HP Damage Bars with Overkill indicator
  • Killable Reticle
  • Tons of draw options
  • Improved Auto Leveler


This is an early version release that will be improving over time. But this should be fully playable! Please report any bugs here on discord, thanks <3


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Hey Hightail, the wife and i noticed annie isn't doing abilities on the new game mode 2v2v2v2 it will attack the dummie but not the people. wondering if you could take a look see.
and as always thanks for all your hard work ! 

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Hey Hightail, the wife and i noticed annie isn't doing abilities on the new game mode 2v2v2v2 it will attack the dummie but not the people. wondering if you could take a look see.
and as always thanks for all your hard work ! 

No worries, make sure you press F6 twice when entering the actual duel map so that it can populate the enemy data. This is just a current bug where GoS doesn't recognize the enemies initially.

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No worries, make sure you press F6 twice when entering the actual duel map so that it can populate the enemy data. This is just a current bug where GoS doesn't recognize the enemies initially.

Okay thanks a million for this information !

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Looking forward to azir. Love your work! 

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Killer Riven when Kappa
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Killer Naafiri v1.01

  • Brand new auto wall-hop utility (Simply aim towards the wall you want to hop over, and the script will assuming it's possible)
  • Included damage calculation support for Prowler's Claw, and Duskblade


KillerNaafiri is now considered a full release.

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Let me drop a more serious review after some testing: 


I have been playing GP since last night and I can tell that it does everything perfectly in a consistent way over time, the only thing that sometimes can't keep up with the level of the script is me as a player. It does certainly require game knowledge but this is an invitation to devote yourself to the champ and invest time into knowing how to take advantage of having such a high-quality script in your hands. Even after all these years here I am very surprised of what can be done with GoS after seeing this. 


I am intermittently absent in the scripting scene so I don't really know much about the new releases and the current active script developers here, but I just checked you contributions and you're doing God's work with this platform lately. Thanks for everything and congratulations on the impressive results!

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Some minor feedback: There's something wrong about Q lasthitting calculation, I noticed it after having essence reaver and being level 13-14 I think -- it appears to be trying to lasthit caster minions with Q continuously despite those not being killable with a single Q yet (thus surviving at 10-20% HP). I've seen it fail consistently for like 8 times so I'm certain there is something there. 


Also this happened in one game xD no idea why, but the minion was recognized as a barrel somehow and the circle was moving with it:




In a previous game it drew a barrel circle in a place where there was no barrel at all, I got it fixed by placing a barrel nearby and exploding it, so it feels to me like the script assumed there was actually this fake barrel in that position and I got it removed after it got "chain-exploded" with another one (all based on coordinates and radius, no actual barrel got chain-exploded as I only landed a real one obviously). 


UPDATE: Been playing more. Here's my feedback:


- There's definitely something wrong in the Q damage calculation when it comes to lasthitting caster minions (maybe all minions but the difference with casters is more evident)

- Is it possible to force the mouse position right at the exact time the R minimap cast is performed? It seems to fail a lot, especially if you are moving your mouse during that time. Maybe forcing it or re-positioning it a few times could help. 

- The fake barrels thing is happening occasionally, and some objects/units are sometimes recognized as barrels: 




Anyway it's very likely this is the best script out there or at least one of the best ones! (some champs will naturally benefit more from the usage of scripts as they are more mechanically rewarding and can be SBTW while this one requires barrel positioning and game knowledge, but it's pretty impressive to see how sophisticated its logic is and how good it performs despite the amount of stuff that's going on behind it!)

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Killer Naafiri v1.01

  • Brand new auto wall-hop utility (Simply aim towards the wall you want to hop over, and the script will assuming it's possible)
  • Included damage calculation support for Prowler's Claw, and Duskblade


KillerNaafiri is now considered a full release.


Would love to see KillerTryndamere someday even just support for E W and R, quite simple abilities :)

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Some minor feedback: There's something wrong about Q lasthitting calculation, I noticed it after having essence reaver and being level 13-14 I think -- it appears to be trying to lasthit caster minions with Q continuously despite those not being killable with a single Q yet (thus surviving at 10-20% HP). I've seen it fail consistently for like 8 times so I'm certain there is something there. 


Also this happened in one game xD no idea why, but the minion was recognized as a barrel somehow and the circle was moving with it:




In a previous game it drew a barrel circle in a place where there was no barrel at all, I got it fixed by placing a barrel nearby and exploding it, so it feels to me like the script assumed there was actually this fake barrel in that position and I got it removed after it got "chain-exploded" with another one (all based on coordinates and radius, no actual barrel got chain-exploded as I only landed a real one obviously). 


UPDATE: Been playing more. Here's my feedback:


- There's definitely something wrong in the Q damage calculation when it comes to lasthitting caster minions (maybe all minions but the difference with casters is more evident)

- Is it possible to force the mouse position right at the exact time the R minimap cast is performed? It seems to fail a lot, especially if you are moving your mouse during that time. Maybe forcing it or re-positioning it a few times could help. 

- The fake barrels thing is happening occasionally, and some objects/units are sometimes recognized as barrels: 




Anyway it's very likely this is the best script out there or at least one of the best ones! (some champs will naturally benefit more from the usage of scripts as they are more mechanically rewarding and can be SBTW while this one requires barrel positioning and game knowledge, but it's pretty impressive to see how sophisticated its logic is and how good it performs despite the amount of stuff that's going on behind it!)

Ahh the infamous fake barrel glitch. I think I might know how to fix this now, and I will look into the last hitting on minions to see if I can replicate and fix the issue. Thank you for the detailed feedback, I don't get this too often and it is appreciated.

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Killer Gangplank v1.14

  • Added a new IsBarrel check for barrel data that should eliminate the fake barrel issue. If it still persists, please let me know.
  • Fixed the Spellblade damage calculation to represent Patch 13.13's data. This should result in more accurate last hitting.

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Killer Gangplank v1.14

  • Added a new IsBarrel check for barrel data that should eliminate the fake barrel issue. If it still persists, please let me know.
  • Fixed the Spellblade damage calculation to represent Patch 13.13's data. This should result in more accurate last hitting.


can you also check last hitting for veigar minions? sometimes they also keep alive. also the collision check is not as accurate as it used to be when harasing. It keeps Q into two minions 

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can you also check last hitting for veigar minions? sometimes they also keep alive. also the collision check is not as accurate as it used to be when harasing. It keeps Q into two minions 

I can look into this later today

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Killer Veigar v1.13

  • Integrated my modern Auto Leveler
  • Adjusted Q width which should help preventing clipping multiple minions with LastHit, Harass, and Combo
  • Removed LastHit tower farming logic. It will now just use standard LastHit logic. I found that the tower farming logic was very inconsistent and I didn't like the way it worked.

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Heyyyaaa i love your gp script i hope you create a script on Lee sin <33333

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Current champion I am working on is Azir, which I plan to release early August!

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Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: killer, aio, syndra, veigar, karthus, annie, gangplank, naafiri, chogath, hwei

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