Please download Xayah manually if it's not updating, there was an issue where I pushed a patch on her without the auto updater enabled.
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Posted 02 November 2023 - 08:41

Posted 03 November 2023 - 08:41

Found the issue, I have been using a version of GGPrediction for a long time that isn't publicly pushed to everyone else. I just need to send Aristo the updated file and it should work again.
oh ok
Posted 07 November 2023 - 04:34

Azir: can you add a short flee for like W and E, also can you add a whitelist for the E KS? kept Eing into karathus then getting killed by his passive.
Posted 11 November 2023 - 12:52

My next script will either be Swain, Ziggs, or Zyra
Posted 11 November 2023 - 02:51

My next script will either be Swain, Ziggs, or Zyra
hey thank you for the scripts its really good but we already have alot of swain ziggs and zyra , maybe can you do Morgana / thresh?
Posted 11 November 2023 - 03:25

hey thank you for the scripts its really good but we already have alot of swain ziggs and zyra , maybe can you do Morgana / thresh?
GG Morgana is pretty good tho
i think Hightail should go Zyra because she has 4 letters in her name and the other two have 5 letters in their name :3
Posted 11 November 2023 - 04:04

GG Morgana is pretty good tho
i think Hightail should go Zyra because she has 4 letters in her name and the other two have 5 letters in their name :3
zyra from simple support AIO is pretty solid, but swain is not good on DEVx ,
Posted 12 November 2023 - 10:56

getting a parsing error for both killer scripts saying: unexpected symbol near '<'
Posted 12 November 2023 - 07:53

getting a parsing error for both killer scripts saying: unexpected symbol near '<'
Do you have the latest version of KillerLib and up to date champion scripts? What champion is causing the issue? And what line is the error pointing to?
Posted 14 November 2023 - 12:58

My next script will either be Swain, Ziggs, or Zyra
we have a ziggs zyra and swain on simpleaio
any chance doing zed ? or tristana
Posted 14 November 2023 - 01:09

we have a ziggs zyra and swain on simpleaio
any chance doing zed ? or tristana
where is swain?
edit: oh **** didnt see he made one in his simpleaio , ima test it
Posted 14 November 2023 - 09:42

For some reason your AIO is the only script that doesn't work for me. Clean install, downloaded from your github. Up to date KillerLib etc. However, the script stops GOS from loading so the menu isn't drawn but I still see the FPS/Tickrate at the top. Only scripts that are checked are GGOrbwalker and KillerAIO with GGOrb having prio on load. Not sure what else I am missing, any ideas?
Posted 15 November 2023 - 01:14

For some reason your AIO is the only script that doesn't work for me. Clean install, downloaded from your github. Up to date KillerLib etc. However, the script stops GOS from loading so the menu isn't drawn but I still see the FPS/Tickrate at the top. Only scripts that are checked are GGOrbwalker and KillerAIO with GGOrb having prio on load. Not sure what else I am missing, any ideas?
If you manually updated the scripts from my Github and it isn't working then that's bizarre. I have seen cases where the script auto-updater isn't working or being blocked by security features on Windows 11.
Absolutely none of my scripts load for you?
Posted 15 November 2023 - 04:57

If you manually updated the scripts from my Github and it isn't working then that's bizarre. I have seen cases where the script auto-updater isn't working or being blocked by security features on Windows 11.
Absolutely none of my scripts load for you?
Yeah its weird. I'm on Win10. Also recently tried running the some of the champion scripts themselves and same issue.
Posted 15 November 2023 - 09:21

Could you extract part of your Gangplank code to a separate utility, that could be used to destroy enemy Gangplank's barrels?
Posted 15 November 2023 - 10:38

Could you extract part of your Gangplank code to a separate utility, that could be used to destroy enemy Gangplank's barrels?
i think its there in killer awareness but for some reason its disabled.
Posted 15 November 2023 - 12:09

where is swain?
edit: oh **** didnt see he made one in his simpleaio , ima test it
let me no if its any good ive not tested swain yet
Posted 15 November 2023 - 12:44

let me no if its any good ive not tested swain yet
Its way better than DEVX but its missing some W functions which could make it waayy better
Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: killer, aio, syndra, veigar, karthus, annie, gangplank, naafiri, chogath, hwei
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