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[NEET Series] Version: 0.28 | Supported: Annie, Kog'Maw, Xerath, Kalista | Tracker

xerath kogmaw katarina annie kalista tracker

Best Answer Ryzuki , 08 January 2017 - 11:58

Updated version 0.26:
Fixed script didn't work on Xerath and Kog'Maw

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after reinstall it works thx

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@Ryuzu will u add some tips if i tell you for your xerath ? i think it's really good but could be a bit better :P 

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@Ryuzu will u add some tips if i tell you for your xerath ? i think it's really good but could be a bit better :P


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I should write them there or pm you ? 

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I should write them there or pm you ? 


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He predict the W / Q good BUT when you hit the enemy with E he sometimes still predict the movement and use the Q and W where the enemy would have been if not stunned. I suggest to check if the E hit the enemy, and if it does spam q w as fast as he could ( based on range for q ). 

Escape: I suggest you to add an escape mode where he just use the e and w while moving away. The q need to stop some second for the cast, so it's not good in the escape mode. 

Ulti: I suggest you to add 2 ways of ulti 
The first one is ok with that delay, the second one would be IF the enemy get hit with 1 shot AND/OR is slowed ( Crystal scepter ) OR is Stunned you cast all the other hits as fast as a HUMAN can ( not a script or it's too easy to detect, just spam the skill like it is a human ) 


Passive management: If the passive is up and the enemy champion is in your basic attack range and you are using harrase/combo PRIORITIZE the enemy instead of the minion. 

Enemy priority : can u put something to disable to hit some enemy? I think there are already priorities but for example if the enemy front line is a mundo, or a galio, or a malphite, and your skills deal 0 damage i prefer to just ignore him and just save the skills for the enemy back line when they enter in range. 

Auto anti gap closer : can u put auto anti gap closer for E , EVEN if u are not comb/escaping/harrase? For example if katarina, or kha zix or someone else is jumpin on you auto push E even if u are not pressing space etc. 

Harrase: Can you add something like harrase/push Q that let xerath auto use the q if he last hit minions and hit the enemy with 1 q? 



I'll write if i remember more. 

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He predict the W / Q good BUT when you hit the enemy with E he sometimes still predict the movement and use the Q and W where the enemy would have been if not stunned. I suggest to check if the E hit the enemy, and if it does spam q w as fast as he could ( based on range for q ). 

Escape: I suggest you to add an escape mode where he just use the e and w while moving away. The q need to stop some second for the cast, so it's not good in the escape mode. 

Ulti: I suggest you to add 2 ways of ulti 
The first one is ok with that delay, the second one would be IF the enemy get hit with 1 shot AND/OR is slowed ( Crystal scepter ) OR is Stunned you cast all the other hits as fast as a HUMAN can ( not a script or it's too easy to detect, just spam the skill like it is a human ) 


Passive management: If the passive is up and the enemy champion is in your basic attack range and you are using harrase/combo PRIORITIZE the enemy instead of the minion. 

Enemy priority : can u put something to disable to hit some enemy? I think there are already priorities but for example if the enemy front line is a mundo, or a galio, or a malphite, and your skills deal 0 damage i prefer to just ignore him and just save the skills for the enemy back line when they enter in range. 

Auto anti gap closer : can u put auto anti gap closer for E , EVEN if u are not comb/escaping/harrase? For example if katarina, or kha zix or someone else is jumpin on you auto push E even if u are not pressing space etc. 

Harrase: Can you add something like harrase/push Q that let xerath auto use the q if he last hit minions and hit the enemy with 1 q? 



I'll write if i remember more. 

1. Yah, i already saw if before but didn't fix cause i think it doesn't matter(no feedback about it). I'll try to fix in the next update.

2. I'll add escapse mode with W and E.

3. So you want me add 3 mode(Normal, Target was slowed, Target was stunned)?

4. if you press "Combo" key, your champ will never attack any minion. If you press "Harass" key, your champ only attack minion if killable. So what do you mean?

5. You mean don't use spell on Mundo if he active his R,..?

6. Anti-gapcloser and Interrupter already added.

7. I'm pretty sure that you can't always hit enemy with spells, if you want check if have minions on the way from the predict pos to myChamp then castQ, i'll add.


I mean "both" is you can choose 1 or 2 :fappa:. Btw ty for your feedback.

I'll try (~= 3 months == oudated :dogecry:).

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2. I'll add escape mode with W and E.

3. So you want me add 3 mode(Normal, Target was slowed, Target was stunned)?
3 or even 2 Modes can be enough. 1 mode is normal the 2nd one is : if the enemy is slowed/stunned spamm all the ulti fast so the hit chance are way higher. 

4. if you press "Combo" key, your champ will never attack any minion. If you press "Harass" key, your champ only attack minion if killable. So what do you mean?
I know that with harrass it hit minions and with combo he doesn't, what i mean was

I mean the passive , Xerath passive. If the passive hit the enemy the mana recovered is doubled. So i wanted something like : if u are in enemy range with your attack range, and your passive is up, use the basic attack on the enemy.

5. You mean don't use spell on Mundo if he active his R,..?
No I mean, if you ( with your brain ) manage to know that u are doing 0 damage to a tank and are just wasting your Coldowns and your mana you decide to ignore that champ. So when u cast Combo or Harrass the script doesn't take anymore in count that champ and just look for the others. 


6. Anti-gapcloser and Interrupter already added.
Mh, it actives even if u are not pressing space/harrass ? I will test it more. I though it didn't activate instantly. 


7. I'm pretty sure that you can't always hit enemy with spells, if you want check if have minions on the way from the predict pos to myChamp then castQ, i'll add.
Yes, i want that in harrass mode it check IF: Last hit + Hit enemy : auto Q! without doing nothing (and you can turn it on off)


More adds:
1: Can u put something to disable all the drawing? Each match i have to disable the damage drawing for each enemy champion 1 by 1

2: Can check for KS : If enemy is in E range use E to ks , if enemy is in w range use W to ks and TRY TO KS with Q just last if the enemy is not in w and e range? Because the q is slower for ks, so if the enemy is in range tryng to ks with e or w could be better. 

Thank you if u make your time on it ^^ Would be great! 

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Can you add Kogmaw R like enemy minimum HP is lower than 50%?

it costs too much mana for combo..

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xerath Q sometimes doesn't reach the enemy :D

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Can you update this please? The Script doesn't work with any evades active along with it. Also the {R} KS with Kog'Maw is a bit buggy, it completely ignores the the Amount of Damage the {R} will do, and just uses it when they're at 200 health or Less.

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I love you    :wub:  :wub:  :wub:  :wub:  :wub:

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Updated Version 0.15:
- Improve somethings.
- Added escape mode for Xerath (use W and E)


Now only support Xerath, will add Kata, Annie, Kog soon.

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Updated Version 0.15:
- Improve somethings.
- Added escape mode for Xerath (use W and E)


Now only support Xerath, will add Kata, Annie, Kog soon.



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Updated Version 0.17: Added Annie, Kog'Maw

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Updated Version 0.18: Added Katarina

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dont work katarina script gos dont see this codes ın my pc when i select katarina and select neet series on gos then i play normally without katarina script please fix it 

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dont work katarina script gos dont see this codes ın my pc when i select katarina and select neet series on gos then i play normally without katarina script please fix it 

Redownload script manually

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Updated version 0.19: Added Cooldown Tracker.

Hpbar.png: BigFat




Ty Shulepin for test

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Updated version 0.19: Added Cooldown Tracker.

Hpbar.png: BigFat




Ty Shulepin for test


look nice :)

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Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: xerath, kogmaw, katarina, annie, kalista, tracker

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