Updated v1.0.1.6 :
- Improved Syndra QE combo, should be used at max range now
Thank BlueWater for ur report
gpred is not loading, only if your orb is loaded
using require 'GPrediction'
gpred is not loading, only if your orb is loaded
using require 'GPrediction'
No. you don't have to select goswalk. but make sure it's always the latest version. Try manually downloading it
No. you don't have to select goswalk. but make sure it's always the latest version. Try manually downloading it
im talking about gpred, not this script.
since your last change, gpred lib its not getting called
double post
im talking about gpred, not this script.
since your last change, gpred its not getting called
What scripts you are using? use require "GoSWalk" instead
What scripts you are using? use require "GoSWalk" instead
private one.
using require goswalk is working now, ty
private one.
using require goswalk is working now, ty
aha np
just noticed you deleted gpred code, im dumb sorry
Fizzermans friend soon™?
If i play with any orbwalker the script take an error if i see more than 1 enemy and dont use any spells {ontick} ?;0; attempt to index a nll value
If i play with any orbwalker the script take an error if i see more than 1 enemy and dont use any spells {ontick} ?;0; attempt to index a nll value
weird. did you try it again?
Is not dropping the skil E and this error
the bundle has many champs. Don't know which champ you mention?
weird. did you try it again?
the bundle has many champs. Don't know which champ you mention?
i sometimes have that ontick too, never had it before but when i used your orbwalker and evade
It comes when i play viktor only
Orianna dont make some times no spells (most of the time) but no errror code only dont do anything i switch all orbwalkers IWC DAC:R party goswalk still same
It comes when i play viktor only
Orianna dont make some times no spells (most of the time) but no errror code only dont do anything i switch all orbwalkers IWC DAC:R party goswalk still same
Fixed Viktor. will check Orianna
Fixed Viktor. will check Orianna
its not fixed, im still having this error
weird. did you try it again?
the bundle has many champs. Don't know which champ you mention?
its not fixed, im still having this error
Did you use the latest version v1.0.1.8? Try reinstalling it
I will test i got meobeo lib on v0.48 and midlane v1.0.1.8 <3
so tested viktor works god like but error still show but script works 100%
orianna works aswell 100% good job
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