(basic Jhin because no Q bounce yet and Ult doesnt check for cone (only hold space if your target is in cone, else it WILL miss.))
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Best Answer DamnedNooB , 26 August 2019 - 01:25
Thanks for your work, only scripts working properly on Ext. Keep up the good work PLEASE <3
Was hoping for a new version of internal, but since that wont happen too soon -
LazyAiO rewritten as soon as i have a new motherboard. (pc ded right now).
Thanks for the kind words!!
Sorry for the absence, real life is a bi*** and my pc commited suicide
(basic Jhin because no Q bounce yet and Ult doesnt check for cone (only hold space if your target is in cone, else it WILL miss.))
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(basic Jhin because no Q bounce yet and Ult doesnt check for cone (only hold space if your target is in cone, else it WILL miss.))
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didnt understand about cait..what does it mean attack check and pasive ? btw ,the ics still crashing cait ? cuz sometimes it does crash sometimes it does not
didnt understand about cait..what does it mean attack check and pasive ? btw ,the ics still crashing cait ? cuz sometimes it does crash sometimes it does not
The champion drops <3 . GJ Man.
Just another check so they dont stutter. Yes she might crash. Nothing i can do.
Hey also idk what it was but stopped crashing altogether when i deleted gos from appdata and re downloaded it. Haven't had a crash since.
It is defintely the orb walker. Sometimes in mid game it will unstuck the crash and say something like "could not find value 'field 't" something like that
Hey mate whats wrong with the Lazyornn ?
(basic Jhin because no Q bounce yet and Ult doesnt check for cone (only hold space if your target is in cone, else it WILL miss.))
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Initial tests can indeed confirm that Swain's passive now stops stuttering for me. Great fix!
If anyone's still stuttering make sure you're using updated version. I wasn't at first
I am having a problem of Tristana. So whenever trist is auto attacking an enemy champion, and uses her E on the enemy normally, she tries to W to the target to finish the last E stack and refresh it. It's sort of annoying because she sometimes jumps in a dangerous place, especially in teamfight. I dont know if it's caused by this assembly, becuase i also have evade and other official scripts on. And I am useing official orbwalk. I turned off the using W in evade manue.
I am wondering how can I turn off this auto W setting if it's in this assembly manu, or if you have any ideas of how it will be caused, so i can fix it.
But anyway, it's a great script
I am having a problem of Tristana. So whenever trist is auto attacking an enemy champion, and uses her E on the enemy normally, she tries to W to the target to finish the last E stack and refresh it. It's sort of annoying because she sometimes jumps in a dangerous place, especially in teamfight. I dont know if it's caused by this assembly, becuase i also have evade and other official scripts on. And I am useing official orbwalk. I turned off the using W in evade manue.
I am wondering how can I turn off this auto W setting if it's in this assembly manu, or if you have any ideas of how it will be caused, so i can fix it.
But anyway, it's a great script
Okay, so... She doesnt use W at all besides after lvl 6 for turret insec. There is no E - W usage. Also there's a W setting in Menu to turn it off.
Hope that helps, thank you and good luck
I know you're not going to add another champion script but I was just wondering if you could add a simple E script for Kalista? KSing etc
I know you're not going to add another champion script but I was just wondering if you could add a simple E script for Kalista? KSing etc
Who said that
probably not doing kalista, there are working ones
Who said that
probably not doing kalista, there are working ones
what about varus?
I know you're not going to add another champion script but I was just wondering if you could add a simple E script for Kalista? KSing etc
Check my sig. Kalista is already supported. Combo Q mode (toggle), E killsteal. Simple but functional.
Check my sig. Kalista is already supported. Combo Q mode (toggle), E killsteal. Simple but functional.
sikaka please add varus to your auto..
what about varus?
Check my sig. Kalista is already supported. Combo Q mode (toggle), E killsteal. Simple but functional.
sikaka please add varus to your auto..
please use his topic to discuss his script, ty.
Check my sig. Kalista is already supported. Combo Q mode (toggle), E killsteal. Simple but functional.
Oh cool thanks. I will try it. Thing is I already tried 2 scripts and they seem to **** up the orbwalker.
please use his topic to discuss his script, ty.
why not varus ?
if may i ask and sorry
why not varus ?
if may i ask and sorry
Use old gamesterons AIO for varus
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