Use old gamesterons AIO for varus
will work ?
Best Answer DamnedNooB , 26 August 2019 - 01:25
Thanks for your work, only scripts working properly on Ext. Keep up the good work PLEASE <3
Was hoping for a new version of internal, but since that wont happen too soon -
LazyAiO rewritten as soon as i have a new motherboard. (pc ded right now).
Thanks for the kind words!!
Sorry for the absence, real life is a bi*** and my pc commited suicide
Use old gamesterons AIO for varus
will work ?
xin problem yellow read
xin problem yellow read
Thread problem supported champions read
Can you add mordekaiser here?
i can ^^
Kai'sa is good..
i didnt know how to setting avoid the enemy spells?
Is this script evade friendly?
cait has a bug where the mouse wont move back to original position after using w and q.
Is this script evade friendly?
Added evade support with last updates, yes.
Add Riven and Vayne Please
Add Riven and Vayne Please
Riven no, ill think about vayne tho.
Don't wanna bother, but Kha'zix would be nice. Still pretty strong mainly in lower elos and I believe there are no scripts for him on ext.
Don't wanna bother, but Kha'zix would be nice. Still pretty strong mainly in lower elos and I believe there are no scripts for him on ext.
Can you add all separate great scripts, morgana, soraka, rengar ...or fix encryption please ? Thanks
What settings you using for kai'sa ? looks like i got some stutter issues and it isnt using her E ability neither, @Decase?
What settings you using for kai'sa ? looks like i got some stutter issues and it isnt using her E ability neither, @Decase?
Hpred hitchance 2, E is manually only, it's situational better use manually
Can you add all separate great scripts, morgana, soraka, rengar ...or fix encryption please ? Thanks
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