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[OKAY✔️][Patch:13.x] GG Series - AIO | Orbwalker | Prediction | Jhin, Blitzcrank, Taric, ...

Best Answer Aristo , 16 July 2023 - 02:59

-GGAIO updated to version 1.9581!: Tested Kogmaw works fine. If you haven't received the update, re-install it manually: https://raw.githubus...aster/GGAIO.lua


-GGorbwalker updated to version 3.006!: You should have it automatically once you get into a game and hit f6-key twice.

If you haven't received it, re-install it manually: https://raw.githubus...GGOrbwalker.lua



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Thanks to Hightail and Icebar for the input and updates. 

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    You donut

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orbwalk and prediction need update

Firstly, the orbwalker is working fine like usual. And you need to give more informations about what should be updated in the prediction or the orbwalker... Saying "need update" doesn't mean anything or doesn't help to the developer or... doesn' give him any clue to find and fix the any possible issues. You need to be more specific or record a video maybe to show the exact issue or just simply explain it better. Otherwise this is nothing else than a spam. If you report bugs with informations, the problem can be solved easier. 

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Firstly, the orbwalker is working fine like usual. And you need to give more informations about what should be updated in the prediction or the orbwalker... Saying "need update" doesn't mean anything or doesn't help to the developer or... doesn' give him any clue to find and fix the any possible issues. You need to be more specific or record a video maybe to show the exact issue or just simply explain it better. Otherwise this is nothing else than a spam. If you report bugs with informations, the problem can be solved easier. 


in fights it happens that it changes target, from target to minion, when you choose a target, with thresh it has happened to me many times it does not respect the priority, the prediction from the latest patches is often wrong,

varus and jhin fail a lots

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has Viktor been discontinued? latest version says it's not supported but i see discussions about viktor in this thread from november, im looking for a viktor script and this seems to be the only hope i have :P

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i hoped that this aio would also include katarina because of the old aio. its still good but it needs development i think. it would be very good updating and adding it to this aio :) maybe also some other cool mid heroes :D

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GGOrbwalker 2.84
* added Rell
* added Azir Soldiers


GGOrbwalker 2.85
* fixed error 88

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Ty bro!


GGOrbwalker 2.84
* added Rell
* added Azir Soldiers


GGOrbwalker 2.85
* fixed error 88

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so this script (im only using this) crashes a lot when im playing kogmaw, are there any logs or other information i can provide to help fix it? (usually crashes late game 30+ minutes and when -not- actively holding a hotkey)
Hmm so i think it actually might be the GGorbwalker, as out of curiosity i disabled GGAIO and played a few games and lo and behold i still got a crash when that was the only thing running, ill keep my eyes out for any more unique behavior
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so this script (im only using this) crashes a lot when im playing kogmaw, are there any logs or other information i can provide to help fix it? (usually crashes late game 30+ minutes and when -not- actively holding a hotkey)
Hmm so i think it actually might be the GGorbwalker, as out of curiosity i disabled GGAIO and played a few games and lo and behold i still got a crash when that was the only thing running, ill keep my eyes out for any more unique behavior

20/30 minutes my game starts to have significant fps losses too, before the orbwalker had no fps drop, I don't know what happened.

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For me working fine  Doge

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i've tried only running with GG orbwalker and nothing else and every champion has this problem, not just kogmaw (kalista, and nidalee have both had crashes). it's just rare as hell, it happens 20-30 minutes in a game, usually during a time when im not attacking anything or pressing any buttons, and nothing is in attack range. i have no idea why this is happening, i've reinstalled both C++ distributions, reinstalled GOS, and redownloaded a fresh new version of the latest script files from the github, what else can i do to troubleshoot? i want to provide better information to help you diagnose and repair the issue but if there is no debug or logging tools i can use im not really sure what to do, having it crash in the middle of the match really sucks, and i cant just not use GGorbwalker since basically all of the AIO scripts require it to run, any suggestions? i'd really appreciate the help


I'm on a freshly installed win10, latest version

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i've tried only running with GG orbwalker and nothing else and every champion has this problem, not just kogmaw (kalista, and nidalee have both had crashes). it's just rare as hell, it happens 20-30 minutes in a game, usually during a time when im not attacking anything or pressing any buttons, and nothing is in attack range. i have no idea why this is happening, i've reinstalled both C++ distributions, reinstalled GOS, and redownloaded a fresh new version of the latest script files from the github, what else can i do to troubleshoot? i want to provide better information to help you diagnose and repair the issue but if there is no debug or logging tools i can use im not really sure what to do, having it crash in the middle of the match really sucks, and i cant just not use GGorbwalker since basically all of the AIO scripts require it to run, any suggestions? i'd really appreciate the help


I'm on a freshly installed win10, latest version

I'm in the same situation, the same thing happens to me sudden crash ...if they don't fix it, this will be my last month of GOS

edit: fixed by using the previous GGorbwalker version: https://raw.githubus...GGorbwalker.lua

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i've tried only running with GG orbwalker and nothing else and every champion has this problem, not just kogmaw (kalista, and nidalee have both had crashes). it's just rare as hell, it happens 20-30 minutes in a game, usually during a time when im not attacking anything or pressing any buttons, and nothing is in attack range. i have no idea why this is happening, i've reinstalled both C++ distributions, reinstalled GOS, and redownloaded a fresh new version of the latest script files from the github, what else can i do to troubleshoot? i want to provide better information to help you diagnose and repair the issue but if there is no debug or logging tools i can use im not really sure what to do, having it crash in the middle of the match really sucks, and i cant just not use GGorbwalker since basically all of the AIO scripts require it to run, any suggestions? i'd really appreciate the help


I'm on a freshly installed win10, latest version

Edit, I have sent you the previous version of the orbwalker, could you please try with that? 

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Downloaded the previous version, will post back with results after a session or two, it's important to note that the crash only seems to happen about one in every 5-6 games so i'll have to play quite a few to confirm, but hopefully it'll fix the issue, thanks guys


edit: doesn't seem to crash anymore, thanks!

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error 88 is coming from autoupdater -> so ggorbwalker should be updated manually, after that autoupdater will work correctly.

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miss click on atack for me :/

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miss click on atack for me :/

Make sure you have set this key(orbwalker needs it) also make sure you only active ggorbwalker, cdtracker and a champion script and make sure you get 50-60 fps atleast on EXT overlay it'll work fine. 


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Best guess is it's an API issue from the latest league update. If the API can't tell if chat is open then no scripts can block spamming their hotkeys :)



You push space to type two words and the script starts madly clicking around cause you're incombo mode + orbwalk mode.

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Honestly one of the best ezreal scripts iv used in the long bloody time.. Its basically auto win, even at diamond elo.

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when I'm using ggOrbwalker, you can't type in the game chat

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when I'm using ggOrbwalker, you can't type in the game chat

It's not about the orbwalker, there was something wrong with the api and it's fixed restart your loader. 

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