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[OKAY✔️][Patch:13.x] GG Series - AIO | Orbwalker | Prediction | Jhin, Blitzcrank, Taric, ...

Best Answer Aristo , 16 July 2023 - 02:59
-GGAIO updated to version 1.9581!: Tested Kogmaw works fine. If you haven't received the update, re-install it manually: https://raw.githubus...aster/GGAIO.lua
-GGorbwalker updated to version 3.006!: You should have it automatically once you get into a game and hit f6-key twice.
If you haven't received it, re-install it manually: https://raw.githubus...GGOrbwalker.lua
- New Champ Naafiri added for Target selector
Thanks to Hightail and Icebar for the input and updates.
Go to the full post »
Posted 07 January 2021 - 11:26

Posted 14 January 2021 - 03:17

Hey, im using ezreal on a custom just to try it, and it is not using abilities properly. If i press space bar for combo or harass key, he auto, but doesnt use any abilities, then if i start fighting the bot manually and then start comboing again it finally uses some but allways very randomly and it doesnt feel right. Can anyone help?
Posted 14 January 2021 - 03:21

Hey, im using ezreal on a custom just to try it, and it is not using abilities properly. If i press space bar for combo or harass key, he auto, but doesnt use any abilities, then if i start fighting the bot manually and then start comboing again it finally uses some but allways very randomly and it doesnt feel right. Can anyone help?
Did you configure the U key? What scripts are you using? Try only GGAIO + GGOrb.
Posted 14 January 2021 - 04:36

Did you configure the U key? What scripts are you using? Try only GGAIO + GGOrb.
Ye i thought it would be because of that, but it continued after i configured. Those 2 are the only ones im using. Fps are around 50, sometimes they fall a bit but its usually estable at that.
Posted 14 January 2021 - 04:44

Added Quinn
Posted 14 January 2021 - 04:46

Ye i thought it would be because of that, but it continued after i configured. Those 2 are the only ones im using. Fps are around 50, sometimes they fall a bit but its usually estable at that.
Suggest you not using the harass key, use combo key when you want to attack the enemy, use farm keys when you want to get farms, you won't get that problem again.
Added Quinn
Posted 14 January 2021 - 11:32

Added Quinn
Posted 15 January 2021 - 10:47

GGOrbwalker update:
Fixed problem with loading all enemies into the menu. I made a little tweak and now it will work perfectly. But remember that at the beginning of the game not all opponents are loaded, so you have to wait a bit longer, but with my code there is no need to load the script again 2xf6. Just wait a little and enemy will appear in the menu.
Some of you write to me that my script crashes the loading of other scripts. This problem is caused by extlib evade, there is infinite loop for a long time in early game so whole loader freezes.
This is done to load all enemies correctly into menu or local tables. Some programmers have implemented this wrong, it shouldn't be that endless loop is done for a long time.
To get around this problem I did champion loading in the private Delayed Action:
function Action:__init() self.Tasks = {} end function Action:OnTick() for i, task in pairs(self.Tasks) do if os.clock() >= task[2] then if task[1]() or os.clock() >= task[3] then table_remove(self.Tasks, i) end end end end function Action:Add(task, startTime, endTime) startTime = startTime or 0 endTime = endTime or 10000 table_insert(self.Tasks, {task, os.clock() + startTime, os.clock() + startTime + endTime}) end Action:Add(function() local success = 0 for i = 1, GameHeroCount() do local args = Data:GetHeroData(GameHero(i)) if args.valid and args.isAlly and self.AllyHeroesInGame[args.networkID] == nil then self.AllyHeroesInGame[args.networkID] = true for j, func in pairs(self.AllyHeroCb) do func(args) end end if args.valid and args.isEnemy then if self.EnemyHeroesInGame[args.networkID] == nil then self.EnemyHeroesInGame[args.networkID] = true for j, func in pairs(self.EnemyHeroCb) do func(args) end end success = success + 1 end end return success >= 5 end, 1, 100)
Ask (one user asked, I am grateful to him) or read code before blaming me:)
first user: Orb thinks the game doesn't start. It takes 1-10 minutes to inject second user: OOOOOH its exlib not ggorb
I think more users thinking so, maybe they discussed it in chat:) There are many more misunderstandings, I should be more active in clearing it all up. The code should also be improved, because some things actually work better in the previous version of orbwalker (gamsteronorbwalker). The laneclear logic should be improved, the cursor more precise and free of defects. Some users said that my very old scripts (older than gamsteronorbwalker) was much better. Honestly it's only true for a few users who have low latency and a stable connection. GGOrbwalker is more professional, works very well even if you have high ping with fluctuations. But yeah it works slower in GGOrbwalker if u have higher attack speed. HealthPrediction was working faster in old orbwalker but was not so accurate like in GGOrbwalker. In old orbwalker lasthiting was working fast even with annie attacks - because there's a logic to calculating attacks before attack is executed and predicting future attacks. I should add different options to the menu for calculating healthprediction and last attack time (so with the right settings it will be as fast and smooth as the old version).
i have tested extlib + ggorb and aio, everything is loading correctly... A lot of times there is a problem in that the user has a issue that I don't have. I can only guess that this is an automatic update.
Posted 16 January 2021 - 03:02

I believe that all users will not blame you. Thank you for your work.btw, Quinn is great.
Posted 16 January 2021 - 06:21

Posted 16 January 2021 - 09:20

GGOrbwalker 2.88
* removed botrk, gunblade
* added Silvermere Dawn item
Posted 16 January 2021 - 12:03

GGOrbwalker 2.88
* removed botrk, gunblade
* added Silvermere Dawn item
ping setting should same game ping ?
Posted 16 January 2021 - 01:46

ping setting should same game ping ?
ping should be same as your ping(ingame) yes.
Posted 16 January 2021 - 10:50

What's the difference between your Quinn and Ark223's?
Posted 17 January 2021 - 11:24

What's the difference between your Quinn and Ark223's?
he fixed some small bug I asked him to do and improved the script to make it more smooth
Posted 19 January 2021 - 03:34

he fixed some small bug I asked him to do and improved the script to make it more smooth
Oh, ok, thanks (both hehe)
Posted 19 January 2021 - 09:09

my mouse drop everytyme , but before the uptade it is perfectly fonctional
Posted 19 January 2021 - 09:33

my mouse drop everytyme , but before the uptade it is perfectly fonctional
Do a clean install, it should be fine and make sure not the other scripts cause it.
Posted 21 January 2021 - 12:36

ok , its just evade...
Posted 21 January 2021 - 04:44

not sure is it just me or its a bug. last hitting on kogmaw seems poor, I got 4.5cs/min to 6cs/min with kogmaw ,always too late on last hit, what can I do to fix this?
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