You guys can increase the click speed to 40 or 45.
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[OKAY✔️][Patch:13.x] GG Series - AIO | Orbwalker | Prediction | Jhin, Blitzcrank, Taric, ...

Best Answer Aristo , 16 July 2023 - 02:59
-GGAIO updated to version 1.9581!: Tested Kogmaw works fine. If you haven't received the update, re-install it manually: https://raw.githubus...aster/GGAIO.lua
-GGorbwalker updated to version 3.006!: You should have it automatically once you get into a game and hit f6-key twice.
If you haven't received it, re-install it manually: https://raw.githubus...GGOrbwalker.lua
- New Champ Naafiri added for Target selector
Thanks to Hightail and Icebar for the input and updates.
Go to the full post »
Posted 22 March 2021 - 05:42

Posted 22 March 2021 - 06:12

You guys can increase the click speed to 40 or 45.
Posted 24 March 2021 - 03:34

got a question about varus, even when i set the charging time to max it still releases the arrow as soon as it gets a target, regardless of the range, is there a way to force it to hold an arrow? the best way to play varus right now is as a mage like full charge Q but no configuration of the Q lets me charge it fully, even when both sliders are maxed out and the targets are very far away
and this is the only varus script out there, if you could look into this i'd be really grateful, as the actual prediction on varus's q is fantastic, so mechanically the script is amazing, it just needs to stop firing arrows with out charging them :<
Posted 31 March 2021 - 05:05

Kaisa script would be dope. Love this btw <3
Posted 31 March 2021 - 05:58

Kaisa script would be dope. Love this btw <3
There are 3 kaisa scripts out here. Pussyaio,14aio or dnskaisa, you can use them.
Posted 04 April 2021 - 11:58

when auto attacking wheter its a minion or a campion my curser only hovers over the target i was wondering if maybe somone has an idea to help me out
Posted 04 April 2021 - 01:02

when auto attacking wheter its a minion or a campion my curser only hovers over the target i was wondering if maybe somone has an idea to help me out
Just set this U key. (You don't have to press but GGorbwalker needs it!)
Posted 04 April 2021 - 01:08

Just set this U key. (You don't have to press but GGorbwalker needs it!)
I already did that my problem is rather that it hovers over the enemy or minion and just doesnt press auto attack the combo works thx u in advance
Posted 04 April 2021 - 01:31

I already did that my problem is rather that it hovers over the enemy or minion and just doesnt press auto attack the combo works thx u in advance
This orbwalker works fine. If you set this key, and if you still have any trouble, that means your league keys are incorrect somehow and causes this problem. I am willing to check it via Teamviewer. There is no issue with this orbwalker at all.
Posted 04 April 2021 - 01:49

This orbwalker works fine. If you set this key, and if you still have any trouble, that means your league keys are incorrect somehow and causes this problem. I am willing to check it via Teamviewer. There is no issue with this orbwalker at all.
aight imma reset my league keyes and if its still not working after i set them for the orbwalker imma just send u a msg so u could check on teamviewer if ur free thx for the help
Posted 04 April 2021 - 02:05

aight imma reset my league keyes and if its still not working after i set them for the orbwalker imma just send u a msg so u could check on teamviewer if ur free thx for the help
Okay, I've already sent you a PM about it.
Edit: Checked via teamviewer and there's nothing wrong. All works fine.
Posted 18 April 2021 - 12:04

I'm having a problem with the last hit. The orbwalk loses many minions
Posted 29 April 2021 - 06:10

Posted 01 May 2021 - 05:56

I tested it today, was playing Ezreal against VelKoz, orbwalker was on and configured but did not dodge any enemy spells.
Also, using the script made my entire screen lag from time to times, restarting solved the issue.
Posted 01 May 2021 - 06:09

I tested it today, was playing Ezreal against VelKoz, orbwalker was on and configured but did not dodge any enemy spells.
Also, using the script made my entire screen lag from time to times, restarting solved the issue.
Orbwalker does not dodge any spells, there's nothing wrong. As for the lag issue, enable only GGorbwalker, GGaio and cdtracker and dnsactivator as utility, do not use the official utilities or any other things, it will be stabler.
Posted 04 May 2021 - 01:11

Losing many creeps, auto attack on.
Posted 04 May 2021 - 04:22

Posted 05 May 2021 - 03:13

Do you have auto attack turned of ?
Yess, :/
Posted 28 May 2021 - 11:17

I found varus W is not work,can fix?
Posted 31 May 2021 - 12:25

The Ezreal is honestly freeelo if you know how to play.
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