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[OKAY✔️][Patch:13.x] GG Series - AIO | Orbwalker | Prediction | Jhin, Blitzcrank, Taric, ...

Best Answer Aristo , 16 July 2023 - 02:59

-GGAIO updated to version 1.9581!: Tested Kogmaw works fine. If you haven't received the update, re-install it manually: https://raw.githubus...aster/GGAIO.lua


-GGorbwalker updated to version 3.006!: You should have it automatically once you get into a game and hit f6-key twice.

If you haven't received it, re-install it manually: https://raw.githubus...GGOrbwalker.lua



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Thanks to Hightail and Icebar for the input and updates. 

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The Ezreal is honestly freeelo if you know how to play.

i agree i just suck with what items to build and runes to use xd

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i agree i just suck with what items to build and runes to use xd

First of all untick low performance on orbwalker if you have it on.

If enemy squishy build:

DBlade Pot, First back Tear then try to build essence reaver, greaves if possible, muramana, duskblade and from here honestly depending on enemy team u build different stuff. qss is super good bcs of script and cc is just instakill in this season


if enemy tank: do the same thing but go divine sunderer instead of essence reaver and third item go seryldas grudge, after is also situational depending on enemy team. 

But core for both situations is necessary.




Conqueror, Presence of mind, Bloodline Coup d grace if enemy squishy (cutdown if enemy tanky) secondary go inspiration cookie and cosmic insight if hard lane if not hard lane go domination taste of blood ravenous hunter. Also use E manually do not let script use E also turn off r in combo better to do it manually.


Lethal Tempo is also ok if u prefer it but mostly vs squishy enemy.

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First of all untick low performance on orbwalker if you have it on.

If enemy squishy build:

DBlade Pot, First back Tear then try to build essence reaver, greaves if possible, muramana, duskblade and from here honestly depending on enemy team u build different stuff. qss is super good bcs of script and cc is just instakill in this season


if enemy tank: do the same thing but go divine sunderer instead of essence reaver and third item go seryldas grudge, after is also situational depending on enemy team. 

But core for both situations is necessary.




Conqueror, Presence of mind, Bloodline Coup d grace if enemy squishy (cutdown if enemy tanky) secondary go inspiration cookie and cosmic insight if hard lane if not hard lane go domination taste of blood ravenous hunter. Also use E manually do not let script use E also turn off r in combo better to do it manually.


Lethal Tempo is also ok if u prefer it but mostly vs squishy enemy.



i am using hail of blades at the moment trying it ap

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How come there are no drawings on GGezreal?

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this twitch script is actually nuts

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any new champs getting added?

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What is the purpose of extra delay in GGPrediction? Lowering it from 60 to 30 seems to have improved the accuracy for me.

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What is the purpose of extra delay in GGPrediction? Lowering it from 60 to 30 seems to have improved the accuracy for me.

adds extra delays on using spells, nothing magical. 

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Kogmaw script also doing super fine. Thanks for the work and keep it up ;)

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This works great thanks alot!

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IS anyone also having issues with ezreal sometimes just using his ultimate at bot lane shooting at the right side where no enemy is? Iam not sure why but this is a bit annoying and my support is just thinking: wtf is he doing? :D

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The orbwalker does not include the 5 on-hit damage against minions from Doran Shield & Ring, causing it to miss some minions while laning.


EDIT: Here's a fix: https://github.com/gamsteron/GG/pull/2

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IS anyone also having issues with ezreal sometimes just using his ultimate at bot lane shooting at the right side where no enemy is? Iam not sure why but this is a bit annoying and my support is just thinking: wtf is he doing? :D

You can disable auto ULT, and use the semi-manual key when you wanna use ult.

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How to use?

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The orbwalker does not include the 5 on-hit damage against minions from Doran Shield & Ring, causing it to miss some minions while laning.


EDIT: Here's a fix: https://github.com/gamsteron/GG/pull/2



Thanks !


BTW, is there any way you can make orbwalker prioritize large minions and monsters first? It often misses those in lane as it prioritizes small minions which isn't great and looks very weird.. :S Not to mention in lane clear mode it often gets many minions to similar amount of health that it then misses most of them.


Some under turret logic would be great to see as well

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Jayce last hit dmg is out in ranged mode, can this be fixed please ?


Many thanks in advance!

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Nice ;)

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Orb walker just presses on champs/minions but never actually hits them just constantly presses.

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Orb walker just presses on champs/minions but never actually hits them just constantly presses.


Orb keybinds most likely do not match your ingame keybinds - worth checking ;)

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Orb walker just presses on champs/minions but never actually hits them just constantly presses.

You need to follow this video and set those keys properly:

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