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[OKAY✔️][Patch:13.x] GG Series - AIO | Orbwalker | Prediction | Jhin, Blitzcrank, Taric, ...

Best Answer Aristo , 16 July 2023 - 02:59

-GGAIO updated to version 1.9581!: Tested Kogmaw works fine. If you haven't received the update, re-install it manually: https://raw.githubus...aster/GGAIO.lua


-GGorbwalker updated to version 3.006!: You should have it automatically once you get into a game and hit f6-key twice.

If you haven't received it, re-install it manually: https://raw.githubus...GGOrbwalker.lua



  • New Champ Naafiri added for Target selector
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Thanks to Hightail and Icebar for the input and updates. 

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loko978, on 04 Nov 2021 - 1:03 PM, said:

Which champs did you use to reach diamond? or lane role bro?

ADC. Kogmaw, Ezreal, Vayne, Twitch. 

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Aristo, on 04 Nov 2021 - 1:24 PM, said:

ADC. Kogmaw, Ezreal, Vayne, Twitch. 

TY bro, I been using ezreal and reached Platinum 1 

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loko978, on 04 Nov 2021 - 6:23 PM, said:

TY bro, I been using ezreal and reached Platinum 1 

Can you share settings? I tried ezreal and it feels kinda slow for me

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niko390, on 07 Nov 2021 - 7:17 PM, said:

Can you share settings? I tried ezreal and it feels kinda slow for me

Hello, there is no magical settings to make things work better, besides GGaio is the one of the stable scripts in EXT. I think you just use some other scripts that drops ext fps which ruins the performance in general. To play with the scripts properly, use them this way = >  Enabşle GGorbwalker + A champion script(GGAIO in this case.) + as utility cdtracker, do NOT enable any other scripts at all. So they can work fine, you may also disable the drawings. 


Another thing, if you touched the settings, go back to the default settings by installing my AIO file:  http://gamingonstero...-just-one-file/

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How can I disable Attacks from an external script?

been trying a bunch of stuff and cannot get it to work, quick example:

		if _G.GGOrbwalker.Orbwalker then

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BobMarley, on 18 Nov 2021 - 12:31 AM, said:


How can I disable Attacks from an external script?

been trying a bunch of stuff and cannot get it to work, quick example:

		if _G.GGOrbwalker.Orbwalker then

You cannot disable clicks, that's how external works. It actually clicks. 

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* Changed KogMaw Menu, but script works the same
* Ahri Aram - WEQ Spam
* Ashe Aram - QW Spam
* Brand Aram - EWQ Spam
* Karthus Aram - Q Spam
* Kayle Aram - EQW Spam
* Kindred Aram - EQ Spam

* MissFortune Aram - WQE Spam

* Nasus Aram - E Spam
* Nidalee Aram - Q Spam
* Quinn Aram - EQ Spam

* Ryze Aram - QEQW Spam
* Sivir Aram - WQ Spam
* Sona Aram - Q Spam
* Tristana Aram - QE Spam
* Xayah Aram - WQ Spam

I played a lot aram games so i coded simple scripts before game starts. Some scripts are really good. Of course in future i will add more logic to those champs.

For now i'm working on orianna -> i coded whole script and ported HPrediction but in tests it looks worse than ggprediction. I need to clean, beauty code of orianna, change pred and then update.

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gamsteron, on 25 Nov 2021 - 5:29 PM, said:


I played a lot aram games 


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gamsteron, on 25 Nov 2021 - 5:29 PM, said:

* Changed KogMaw Menu, but script works the same
* Ahri Aram - WEQ Spam
* Ashe Aram - QW Spam
* Brand Aram - EWQ Spam
* Karthus Aram - Q Spam
* Kayle Aram - EQW Spam
* Kindred Aram - EQ Spam

* MissFortune Aram - WQE Spam

* Nasus Aram - E Spam
* Nidalee Aram - Q Spam
* Quinn Aram - EQ Spam

* Ryze Aram - QEQW Spam
* Sivir Aram - WQ Spam
* Sona Aram - Q Spam
* Tristana Aram - QE Spam
* Xayah Aram - WQ Spam

I played a lot aram games so i coded simple scripts before game starts. Some scripts are really good. Of course in future i will add more logic to those champs.

For now i'm working on orianna -> i coded whole script and ported HPrediction but in tests it looks worse than ggprediction. I need to clean, beauty code of orianna, change pred and then update.

Thank you, appreciate your work

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* Added perfect immobile, dash, blink, buffMoveSpeed logic, I had to check all champions in the game, added spell and buff names database, I added spell and buff types useful in prediction. Some buffs are unique for example Ahri E, Fiddle QER, etc. have custom logic, it's not stun, .isDashing is false, and endPos is delayed, that's why i added custom logic and i think now is perfect https://github.com/g...GGData.lua#L103

Orianna is still not ready because i worked on better prediction immobile, dash, blink, custom ms logic. Prediction is still not ready, but basic logic is added. Today I'll finish prediction, i will add and fix stuff and make code refaktoring, and get on with finishing orianna.

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gamsteron, on 27 Nov 2021 - 10:32 AM, said:

* Added perfect immobile, dash, blink, buffMoveSpeed logic, I had to check all champions in the game, added spell and buff names database, I added spell and buff types useful in prediction. Some buffs are unique for example Ahri E, Fiddle QER, etc. have custom logic, it's not stun, .isDashing is false, and endPos is delayed, that's why i added custom logic and i think now is perfect https://github.com/g...GGData.lua#L103

Orianna is still not ready because i worked on better prediction immobile, dash, blink, custom ms logic. Prediction is still not ready, but basic logic is added. Today I'll finish prediction, i will add and fix stuff and make code refaktoring, and get on with finishing orianna.

nice,tyvm good job

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Can we use "old" GGAIO, still?
I do not like the idea of cut code and do branches for aram mode

Edit: managed to make it work
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* Removed latest changes into ggaio, pred, orb,

* No need GGCore, GGdata,

* Code before refactorization (of course only part of refactorization, it was not ready),
* Removed auto updater,

* GGorbwalker version after Riven fix, ggaio, ggprediction older,

* I tested and everything works fine,

I'm working on new 1 file project, 


I've been working for a few weeks and I see that adding changes to the gg project is exhausting, I need to work on refactoring the code. I programmed a lot of new stuff, pulled data from the game but making changes to such a messy mess is a hassle.

As I programmed the gg project, I wanted to do it quickly, which makes the code not look good. The code has become very large and working on it is no longer possible.

Anyway GG Project is very good, works very good, but code is messy.

Give me a few days and the new code will be ready, refactoring I need to do slowly to avoid bugs, I need to test changes on a regular basis in game,

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grateful,looking forward new code :D

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gamsteron, on 27 Nov 2021 - 11:10 PM, said:

* Removed latest changes into ggaio, pred, orb,

* No need GGCore, GGdata,

* Code before refactorization (of course only part of refactorization, it was not ready),
* Removed auto updater,

* GGorbwalker version after Riven fix, ggaio, ggprediction older,

* I tested and everything works fine,

I'm working on new 1 file project, 


I've been working for a few weeks and I see that adding changes to the gg project is exhausting, I need to work on refactoring the code. I programmed a lot of new stuff, pulled data from the game but making changes to such a messy mess is a hassle.

As I programmed the gg project, I wanted to do it quickly, which makes the code not look good. The code has become very large and working on it is no longer possible.

Anyway GG Project is very good, works very good, but code is messy.

Give me a few days and the new code will be ready, refactoring I need to do slowly to avoid bugs, I need to test changes on a regular basis in game,

Why it still says MissFortune not supported? Version 1.94 is that correct?

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Added Vex to database
fixed: http://gamingonstero...ent-detect-vex/

Please update GGOrbwalker manually, i disabled auto updater

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xsolo12bgc, on 28 Nov 2021 - 10:19 PM, said:

Why it still says MissFortune not supported? Version 1.94 is that correct?




Added simple scripts again, u can disable it manually in GGAIO.lua - first line LoadSimpleScripts = true -> LoadSimpleScripts = false

Fixed Prediction .y pos, now should be more precise - fixed jhin W (no need to download ggprediction, it's included in GGAIO.lua)

Please update GGAIO manually, i disabled auto updater






            SupportedChampions      SimpleScripts

                Twitch                 Ahri
                Morgana                Ashe
                Ezreal                 Brand
                KogMaw                 Karthus
                Varus                  Kayle
                Quinn                  Kindred
                Vayne                  MissFortune
                Jhin                   Nasus
                Blitzcrank             Nidalee
                Taric                  Ryze
                Ahri                   Sivir
                Ashe                   Sona
                Brand                  Tristana
                Karthus                Xayah

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thx for the work  :wub: , any chance u update ur simplescript into normal script ?  :ph34r:

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any progress on oriana :D?

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