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[OKAY✔️][Patch:13.x] GG Series - AIO | Orbwalker | Prediction | Jhin, Blitzcrank, Taric, ...

Best Answer Aristo , 16 July 2023 - 02:59

-GGAIO updated to version 1.9581!: Tested Kogmaw works fine. If you haven't received the update, re-install it manually: https://raw.githubus...aster/GGAIO.lua


-GGorbwalker updated to version 3.006!: You should have it automatically once you get into a game and hit f6-key twice.

If you haven't received it, re-install it manually: https://raw.githubus...GGOrbwalker.lua



  • New Champ Naafiri added for Target selector
  • 18teruh.png

Thanks to Hightail and Icebar for the input and updates. 

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do we need to update the GGORBWALKER and GGPREDC manually? 

You need to update GGorbwalker, GGAIO, GGprediction manually, yes. You can also just install this instead: It has all the updated files: http://gamingonstero...-just-one-file/

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While playing Fiddlesticks ggorbwalker stops working and gives this error. 



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For some reason GGOrbwalker doesn't attack champions/minions for me so I resorted to using the built in ext orb walker.

I've tried adjusting the ping/windup/target selector and it still won't attack. Has anyone else had this issue? 

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For some reason GGOrbwalker doesn't attack champions/minions for me so I resorted to using the built in ext orb walker.

I've tried adjusting the ping/windup/target selector and it still won't attack. Has anyone else had this issue? 

That's not a problem or bug, you're just missing some keybinds in league of legends, and you just need to set your keys like this, orbwalker needs these settings to work and attack properly.

Follow this video and make sure your keys are 100% same It will work fine. (I've sent this guide before but you've probably missed.) (Also make sure you disable default/inbuilt orbwalker.)

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That's not a problem or bug, you're just missing some keybinds in league of legends, and you just need to set your keys like this, orbwalker needs these settings to work and attack properly.

Follow this video and make sure your keys are 100% same It will work fine. (I've sent this guide before but you've probably missed.) (Also make sure you disable default/inbuilt orbwalker.)


Thanks, I followed it 100% and now it will attack champions although there has been a lot of instances where I'm holding the attack/combo key and it doesn't seem to attack 100% of the time (character just stays still while enemies are in range). I'm thinking that my settings are not optimal: ping/windup settings or somehow P.C. performance issues are impacting the overall performance of the script since it is external. Would you mind sharing with me your orbwalker settings?

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Thanks, I followed it 100% and now it will attack champions although there has been a lot of instances where I'm holding the attack/combo key and it doesn't seem to attack 100% of the time (character just stays still while enemies are in range). I'm thinking that my settings are not optimal: ping/windup settings or somehow P.C. performance issues are impacting the overall performance of the script since it is external. Would you mind sharing with me your orbwalker settings?

Np, and there's no settings for GGorbwalker or any other scripts, changin them just make things bad most of the time and It's external yeah but there's no such issue like you described probably something on your end. While using scripts just make sure you use them this way: GGorbwalker+ a champion script + cdtracker as utility. Other scripts must be disabled.(In-game you can hit f6-key and disable the champs scripts if you don't play that champ etc.)

As for settings, just set your in-game ping into GGorbwalker disable drawings that's all you need to do get the better performance, you shouldn't change any other settings. 


If you did change some settings, just install this to go back to the default settings: http://gamingonstero...-just-one-file/

(There's a txt file in that rar that shows the supported champs it can help you too.)

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Np, and there's no settings for GGorbwalker or any other scripts, changin them just make things bad most of the time and It's external yeah but there's no such issue like you described probably something on your end. While using scripts just make sure you use them this way: GGorbwalker+ a champion script + cdtracker as utility. Other scripts must be disabled.(In-game you can hit f6-key and disable the champs scripts if you don't play that champ etc.)

As for settings, just set your in-game ping into GGorbwalker disable drawings that's all you need to do get the better performance, you shouldn't change any other settings. 


If you did change some settings, just install this to go back to the default settings: http://gamingonstero...-just-one-file/

(There's a txt file in that rar that shows the supported champs it can help you too.)


Thanks, did what you suggested. GoS EXT has really come a long way since I first started using in 2017

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Hi, is it possible to register another mode which does attacking? (like harass or combo mode) 

Can this be done via a script calling something in _G.SDK.Orbwalker?

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While playing Fiddlesticks ggorbwalker stops working and gives this error. 



with Vex same problem!




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with Vex same problem!





i play a lot of vex without problems

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i play a lot of vex without problems

really? I don't know what it can be =(

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@gamerston can u add r for brand 

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@gamesteron When will be the next champ release ? and which champ it will be ?

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This has been my favorite one. Props. Please keep it up. Thanks
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Taric is broken, he is doing literally nothing :)

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I been having this issue and am surprised no one its talking about it. I have installed this GG Orb multiple time, I deactivate my antivirus and I obviously deactivate the default Orbwalker. But the problem doesnt go away. The problem is that my mouse pointer starts pointing at targets like crazy. Minion or champion. And my champ stops moving. doesnt do anything, I hold space and the mouse pointer just moves and nothing happens. This is really bad. I have tried to play with the setting but nothing seems to fix it. and I even reinstall GoS but it still does the same. I wonder if this is commun becouse this is out of my control.  I hate that I hold C and my champ stops moving while the mouse pointer is tripping all over the place.










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Hi, to get this to work with Zeri, replace line 1474 with this:

self.HEROES = {aatrox = {3, true, 0.651}, ahri = {4, false, 0.668}, akali = {4, true, 0.625}, akshan = {5, false, 0.638}, alistar = {1, true, 0.625}, amumu = {1, true, 0.736}, anivia = {4, false, 0.625}, annie = {4, false, 0.579}, aphelios = {5, false, 0.64}, ashe = {5, false, 0.658}, aurelionsol = {4, false, 0.625}, azir = {4, true, 0.625}, bard = {3, false, 0.625}, blitzcrank = {1, true, 0.625}, brand = {4, false, 0.625}, braum = {1, true, 0.644}, caitlyn = {5, false, 0.681}, camille = {3, true, 0.644}, cassiopeia = {4, false, 0.647}, chogath = {1, true, 0.625}, corki = {5, false, 0.638}, darius = {2, true, 0.625}, diana = {4, true, 0.625}, draven = {5, false, 0.679}, drmundo = {1, true, 0.72}, ekko = {4, true, 0.688}, elise = {3, false, 0.625}, evelynn = {4, true, 0.667}, ezreal = {5, false, 0.625}, fiddlesticks = {3, false, 0.625}, fiora = {3, true, 0.69}, fizz = {4, true, 0.658}, galio = {1, true, 0.625}, gangplank = {4, true, 0.658}, garen = {1, true, 0.625}, gnar = {1, false, 0.625}, gragas = {2, true, 0.675}, graves = {4, false, 0.475}, gwen = {4, true, 0.69}, hecarim = {2, true, 0.67}, heimerdinger = {3, false, 0.625}, illaoi = {3, true, 0.571}, irelia = {3, true, 0.656}, ivern = {1, true, 0.644}, janna = {2, false, 0.625}, jarvaniv = {3, true, 0.658}, jax = {3, true, 0.638}, jayce = {4, false, 0.658}, jhin = {5, false, 0.625}, jinx = {5, false, 0.625}, kaisa = {5, false, 0.644}, kalista = {5, false, 0.694}, karma = {4, false, 0.625}, karthus = {4, false, 0.625}, kassadin = {4, true, 0.64}, katarina = {4, true, 0.658}, kayle = {4, false, 0.625}, kayn = {4, true, 0.669}, kennen = {4, false, 0.625}, khazix = {4, true, 0.668}, kindred = {4, false, 0.625}, kled = {2, true, 0.625}, kogmaw = {5, false, 0.665}, leblanc = {4, false, 0.625}, leesin = {3, true, 0.651}, leona = {1, true, 0.625}, lillia = {4, false, 0.625}, lissandra = {4, false, 0.656}, lucian = {5, false, 0.638}, lulu = {3, false, 0.625}, lux = {4, false, 0.669}, malphite = {1, true, 0.736}, malzahar = {3, false, 0.625}, maokai = {2, true, 0.8}, masteryi = {5, true, 0.679}, missfortune = {5, false, 0.656}, monkeyking = {3, true, 0.711}, mordekaiser = {4, true, 0.625}, morgana = {3, false, 0.625}, nami = {3, false, 0.644}, nasus = {2, true, 0.638}, nautilus = {1, true, 0.706}, neeko = {4, false, 0.625}, nidalee = {4, false, 0.638}, nocturne = {4, true, 0.721}, nunu = {2, true, 0.625}, olaf = {2, true, 0.694}, orianna = {4, false, 0.658}, ornn = {2, true, 0.625}, pantheon = {3, true, 0.644}, poppy = {2, true, 0.625}, pyke = {4, true, 0.667}, qiyana = {4, true, 0.625}, quinn = {5, false, 0.668}, rakan = {3, true, 0.635}, rammus = {1, true, 0.656}, reksai = {2, true, 0.667}, rell = {1, true, 0.55}, renekton = {2, true, 0.665}, rengar = {4, true, 0.667}, riven = {4, true, 0.625}, rumble = {4, true, 0.644}, ryze = {4, false, 0.625}, samira = {5, false, 0.658}, sejuani = {2, true, 0.688}, senna = {5, true, 0.625}, seraphine = {3, false, 0.669}, sett = {2, true, 0.625}, shaco = {4, true, 0.694}, shen = {1, true, 0.751}, shyvana = {2, true, 0.658}, singed = {1, true, 0.613}, sion = {1, true, 0.679}, sivir = {5, false, 0.625}, skarner = {2, true, 0.625}, sona = {3, false, 0.644}, soraka = {3, false, 0.625}, swain = {3, false, 0.625}, sylas = {4, true, 0.645}, syndra = {4, false, 0.625}, tahmkench = {1, true, 0.658}, taliyah = {4, false, 0.625}, talon = {4, true, 0.625}, taric = {1, true, 0.625}, teemo = {4, false, 0.69}, thresh = {1, true, 0.625}, tristana = {5, false, 0.656}, trundle = {2, true, 0.67}, tryndamere = {4, true, 0.67}, twistedfate = {4, false, 0.651}, twitch = {5, false, 0.679}, udyr = {2, true, 0.658}, urgot = {2, true, 0.625}, varus = {5, false, 0.658}, vex = {5, false, 0.669}, vayne = {5, false, 0.658}, veigar = {4, false, 0.625}, velkoz = {4, false, 0.625}, vi = {2, true, 0.644}, viego = {4, true, 0.658}, viktor = {4, false, 0.658}, vladimir = {3, false, 0.658}, volibear = {2, true, 0.625}, warwick = {2, true, 0.638}, xayah = {5, false, 0.625}, xerath = {4, false, 0.625}, xinzhao = {3, true, 0.645}, yasuo = {4, true, 0.697}, yone = {4, true, 0.625}, yorick = {2, true, 0.625}, yuumi = {3, false, 0.625}, zac = {1, true, 0.736}, zed = {4, true, 0.651}, ziggs = {4, false, 0.656}, zeri ={4, false, 0.658}, zilean = {3, false, 0.625}, zoe = {4, false, 0.625}, zyra = {2, false, 0.625}, }

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Hi, to get this to work with Zeri, replace line 1474 with this:

self.HEROES = {aatrox = {3, true, 0.651}, ahri = {4, false, 0.668}, akali = {4, true, 0.625}, akshan = {5, false, 0.638}, alistar = {1, true, 0.625}, amumu = {1, true, 0.736}, anivia = {4, false, 0.625}, annie = {4, false, 0.579}, aphelios = {5, false, 0.64}, ashe = {5, false, 0.658}, aurelionsol = {4, false, 0.625}, azir = {4, true, 0.625}, bard = {3, false, 0.625}, blitzcrank = {1, true, 0.625}, brand = {4, false, 0.625}, braum = {1, true, 0.644}, caitlyn = {5, false, 0.681}, camille = {3, true, 0.644}, cassiopeia = {4, false, 0.647}, chogath = {1, true, 0.625}, corki = {5, false, 0.638}, darius = {2, true, 0.625}, diana = {4, true, 0.625}, draven = {5, false, 0.679}, drmundo = {1, true, 0.72}, ekko = {4, true, 0.688}, elise = {3, false, 0.625}, evelynn = {4, true, 0.667}, ezreal = {5, false, 0.625}, fiddlesticks = {3, false, 0.625}, fiora = {3, true, 0.69}, fizz = {4, true, 0.658}, galio = {1, true, 0.625}, gangplank = {4, true, 0.658}, garen = {1, true, 0.625}, gnar = {1, false, 0.625}, gragas = {2, true, 0.675}, graves = {4, false, 0.475}, gwen = {4, true, 0.69}, hecarim = {2, true, 0.67}, heimerdinger = {3, false, 0.625}, illaoi = {3, true, 0.571}, irelia = {3, true, 0.656}, ivern = {1, true, 0.644}, janna = {2, false, 0.625}, jarvaniv = {3, true, 0.658}, jax = {3, true, 0.638}, jayce = {4, false, 0.658}, jhin = {5, false, 0.625}, jinx = {5, false, 0.625}, kaisa = {5, false, 0.644}, kalista = {5, false, 0.694}, karma = {4, false, 0.625}, karthus = {4, false, 0.625}, kassadin = {4, true, 0.64}, katarina = {4, true, 0.658}, kayle = {4, false, 0.625}, kayn = {4, true, 0.669}, kennen = {4, false, 0.625}, khazix = {4, true, 0.668}, kindred = {4, false, 0.625}, kled = {2, true, 0.625}, kogmaw = {5, false, 0.665}, leblanc = {4, false, 0.625}, leesin = {3, true, 0.651}, leona = {1, true, 0.625}, lillia = {4, false, 0.625}, lissandra = {4, false, 0.656}, lucian = {5, false, 0.638}, lulu = {3, false, 0.625}, lux = {4, false, 0.669}, malphite = {1, true, 0.736}, malzahar = {3, false, 0.625}, maokai = {2, true, 0.8}, masteryi = {5, true, 0.679}, missfortune = {5, false, 0.656}, monkeyking = {3, true, 0.711}, mordekaiser = {4, true, 0.625}, morgana = {3, false, 0.625}, nami = {3, false, 0.644}, nasus = {2, true, 0.638}, nautilus = {1, true, 0.706}, neeko = {4, false, 0.625}, nidalee = {4, false, 0.638}, nocturne = {4, true, 0.721}, nunu = {2, true, 0.625}, olaf = {2, true, 0.694}, orianna = {4, false, 0.658}, ornn = {2, true, 0.625}, pantheon = {3, true, 0.644}, poppy = {2, true, 0.625}, pyke = {4, true, 0.667}, qiyana = {4, true, 0.625}, quinn = {5, false, 0.668}, rakan = {3, true, 0.635}, rammus = {1, true, 0.656}, reksai = {2, true, 0.667}, rell = {1, true, 0.55}, renekton = {2, true, 0.665}, rengar = {4, true, 0.667}, riven = {4, true, 0.625}, rumble = {4, true, 0.644}, ryze = {4, false, 0.625}, samira = {5, false, 0.658}, sejuani = {2, true, 0.688}, senna = {5, true, 0.625}, seraphine = {3, false, 0.669}, sett = {2, true, 0.625}, shaco = {4, true, 0.694}, shen = {1, true, 0.751}, shyvana = {2, true, 0.658}, singed = {1, true, 0.613}, sion = {1, true, 0.679}, sivir = {5, false, 0.625}, skarner = {2, true, 0.625}, sona = {3, false, 0.644}, soraka = {3, false, 0.625}, swain = {3, false, 0.625}, sylas = {4, true, 0.645}, syndra = {4, false, 0.625}, tahmkench = {1, true, 0.658}, taliyah = {4, false, 0.625}, talon = {4, true, 0.625}, taric = {1, true, 0.625}, teemo = {4, false, 0.69}, thresh = {1, true, 0.625}, tristana = {5, false, 0.656}, trundle = {2, true, 0.67}, tryndamere = {4, true, 0.67}, twistedfate = {4, false, 0.651}, twitch = {5, false, 0.679}, udyr = {2, true, 0.658}, urgot = {2, true, 0.625}, varus = {5, false, 0.658}, vex = {5, false, 0.669}, vayne = {5, false, 0.658}, veigar = {4, false, 0.625}, velkoz = {4, false, 0.625}, vi = {2, true, 0.644}, viego = {4, true, 0.658}, viktor = {4, false, 0.658}, vladimir = {3, false, 0.658}, volibear = {2, true, 0.625}, warwick = {2, true, 0.638}, xayah = {5, false, 0.625}, xerath = {4, false, 0.625}, xinzhao = {3, true, 0.645}, yasuo = {4, true, 0.697}, yone = {4, true, 0.625}, yorick = {2, true, 0.625}, yuumi = {3, false, 0.625}, zac = {1, true, 0.736}, zed = {4, true, 0.651}, ziggs = {4, false, 0.656}, zeri ={4, false, 0.658}, zilean = {3, false, 0.625}, zoe = {4, false, 0.625}, zyra = {2, false, 0.625}, }

for me its line 1378 is it normal ? unknown.png


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Hi, to get this to work with Zeri, replace line 1474 with this:

self.HEROES = {aatrox = {3, true, 0.651}, ahri = {4, false, 0.668}, akali = {4, true, 0.625}, akshan = {5, false, 0.638}, alistar = {1, true, 0.625}, amumu = {1, true, 0.736}, anivia = {4, false, 0.625}, annie = {4, false, 0.579}, aphelios = {5, false, 0.64}, ashe = {5, false, 0.658}, aurelionsol = {4, false, 0.625}, azir = {4, true, 0.625}, bard = {3, false, 0.625}, blitzcrank = {1, true, 0.625}, brand = {4, false, 0.625}, braum = {1, true, 0.644}, caitlyn = {5, false, 0.681}, camille = {3, true, 0.644}, cassiopeia = {4, false, 0.647}, chogath = {1, true, 0.625}, corki = {5, false, 0.638}, darius = {2, true, 0.625}, diana = {4, true, 0.625}, draven = {5, false, 0.679}, drmundo = {1, true, 0.72}, ekko = {4, true, 0.688}, elise = {3, false, 0.625}, evelynn = {4, true, 0.667}, ezreal = {5, false, 0.625}, fiddlesticks = {3, false, 0.625}, fiora = {3, true, 0.69}, fizz = {4, true, 0.658}, galio = {1, true, 0.625}, gangplank = {4, true, 0.658}, garen = {1, true, 0.625}, gnar = {1, false, 0.625}, gragas = {2, true, 0.675}, graves = {4, false, 0.475}, gwen = {4, true, 0.69}, hecarim = {2, true, 0.67}, heimerdinger = {3, false, 0.625}, illaoi = {3, true, 0.571}, irelia = {3, true, 0.656}, ivern = {1, true, 0.644}, janna = {2, false, 0.625}, jarvaniv = {3, true, 0.658}, jax = {3, true, 0.638}, jayce = {4, false, 0.658}, jhin = {5, false, 0.625}, jinx = {5, false, 0.625}, kaisa = {5, false, 0.644}, kalista = {5, false, 0.694}, karma = {4, false, 0.625}, karthus = {4, false, 0.625}, kassadin = {4, true, 0.64}, katarina = {4, true, 0.658}, kayle = {4, false, 0.625}, kayn = {4, true, 0.669}, kennen = {4, false, 0.625}, khazix = {4, true, 0.668}, kindred = {4, false, 0.625}, kled = {2, true, 0.625}, kogmaw = {5, false, 0.665}, leblanc = {4, false, 0.625}, leesin = {3, true, 0.651}, leona = {1, true, 0.625}, lillia = {4, false, 0.625}, lissandra = {4, false, 0.656}, lucian = {5, false, 0.638}, lulu = {3, false, 0.625}, lux = {4, false, 0.669}, malphite = {1, true, 0.736}, malzahar = {3, false, 0.625}, maokai = {2, true, 0.8}, masteryi = {5, true, 0.679}, missfortune = {5, false, 0.656}, monkeyking = {3, true, 0.711}, mordekaiser = {4, true, 0.625}, morgana = {3, false, 0.625}, nami = {3, false, 0.644}, nasus = {2, true, 0.638}, nautilus = {1, true, 0.706}, neeko = {4, false, 0.625}, nidalee = {4, false, 0.638}, nocturne = {4, true, 0.721}, nunu = {2, true, 0.625}, olaf = {2, true, 0.694}, orianna = {4, false, 0.658}, ornn = {2, true, 0.625}, pantheon = {3, true, 0.644}, poppy = {2, true, 0.625}, pyke = {4, true, 0.667}, qiyana = {4, true, 0.625}, quinn = {5, false, 0.668}, rakan = {3, true, 0.635}, rammus = {1, true, 0.656}, reksai = {2, true, 0.667}, rell = {1, true, 0.55}, renekton = {2, true, 0.665}, rengar = {4, true, 0.667}, riven = {4, true, 0.625}, rumble = {4, true, 0.644}, ryze = {4, false, 0.625}, samira = {5, false, 0.658}, sejuani = {2, true, 0.688}, senna = {5, true, 0.625}, seraphine = {3, false, 0.669}, sett = {2, true, 0.625}, shaco = {4, true, 0.694}, shen = {1, true, 0.751}, shyvana = {2, true, 0.658}, singed = {1, true, 0.613}, sion = {1, true, 0.679}, sivir = {5, false, 0.625}, skarner = {2, true, 0.625}, sona = {3, false, 0.644}, soraka = {3, false, 0.625}, swain = {3, false, 0.625}, sylas = {4, true, 0.645}, syndra = {4, false, 0.625}, tahmkench = {1, true, 0.658}, taliyah = {4, false, 0.625}, talon = {4, true, 0.625}, taric = {1, true, 0.625}, teemo = {4, false, 0.69}, thresh = {1, true, 0.625}, tristana = {5, false, 0.656}, trundle = {2, true, 0.67}, tryndamere = {4, true, 0.67}, twistedfate = {4, false, 0.651}, twitch = {5, false, 0.679}, udyr = {2, true, 0.658}, urgot = {2, true, 0.625}, varus = {5, false, 0.658}, vex = {5, false, 0.669}, vayne = {5, false, 0.658}, veigar = {4, false, 0.625}, velkoz = {4, false, 0.625}, vi = {2, true, 0.644}, viego = {4, true, 0.658}, viktor = {4, false, 0.658}, vladimir = {3, false, 0.658}, volibear = {2, true, 0.625}, warwick = {2, true, 0.638}, xayah = {5, false, 0.625}, xerath = {4, false, 0.625}, xinzhao = {3, true, 0.645}, yasuo = {4, true, 0.697}, yone = {4, true, 0.625}, yorick = {2, true, 0.625}, yuumi = {3, false, 0.625}, zac = {1, true, 0.736}, zed = {4, true, 0.651}, ziggs = {4, false, 0.656}, zeri ={4, false, 0.658}, zilean = {3, false, 0.625}, zoe = {4, false, 0.625}, zyra = {2, false, 0.625}, }

for me its line 1378 is it normal ? unknown.png




I updated to the latest version, so it depends what version you are on.

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I updated to the latest version, so it depends what version you are on.

ok i ll re dl in case thx (my version is 2.90)

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