One more thing is to ensure that ZeriQ is in the IsAttackSpell table. It will make it smoother.
Best Answer Aristo , 16 July 2023 - 02:59
-GGAIO updated to version 1.9581!: Tested Kogmaw works fine. If you haven't received the update, re-install it manually: https://raw.githubus...aster/GGAIO.lua
-GGorbwalker updated to version 3.006!: You should have it automatically once you get into a game and hit f6-key twice.
If you haven't received it, re-install it manually: https://raw.githubus...GGOrbwalker.lua
Thanks to Hightail and Icebar for the input and updates.
Go to the full post »One more thing is to ensure that ZeriQ is in the IsAttackSpell table. It will make it smoother.
One more thing is to ensure that ZeriQ is in the IsAttackSpell table. It will make it smoother.
self.IsAttackSpell =
['CaitlynHeadshotMissile'] = true,
['GarenQAttack'] = true,
['RekSaiQ'] = true,
['ZeriQ'] = true,
i'm on the latest ggorbwalker release (2.911) and both the formatting and isattackspell table is drastically different to yours, i've tried redownloading to ensure that it is in fact the latest version.
can you upload your GGorbwalker file? i would appreciate that, im not sure why theres such a discrepancy. for instance self.heroes is just "heroes" for me, and the spelltable doesn't include reksaiq at all, im very confused lol
i tried manually adding the entries but it doesn't work at all.
Similar issue to the previous few replies, redownloaded files etc, it appears that we're still on different versions. Tried to manually edit in the fix but doesn't seem to work. EDIT: Fixed and works like a charm! Thanks! Still can't get combo mode from DevX AIO to work with Zeri but i'll leave that for the other thread.
can anyone explain me how to open and change this file? with which program?
i'm on the latest ggorbwalker release (2.911) and both the formatting and isattackspell table is drastically different to yours, i've tried redownloading to ensure that it is in fact the latest version.
can you upload your GGorbwalker file? i would appreciate that, im not sure why theres such a discrepancy. for instance self.heroes is just "heroes" for me, and the spelltable doesn't include reksaiq at all, im very confused lol
i tried manually adding the entries but it doesn't work at all.
Same, would like if someone could link editet GGorb.
Just edit the code and paste in the 2 lines and you're good
Mine is way different too
IsAttackSpell = { ['CaitlynHeadshotMissile'] = true, ['GarenQAttack'] = true, ['KennenMegaProc'] = true, ['MordekaiserQAttack'] = true, ['MordekaiserQAttack1'] = true, ['MordekaiserQAttack2'] = true, ['QuinnWEnhanced'] = true, ['BlueCardPreAttack'] = true, ['RedCardPreAttack'] = true, ['GoldCardPreAttack'] = true, -- 9.9 patch ['RenektonSuperExecute'] = true, ['RenektonExecute'] = true, ['XinZhaoQThrust1'] = true, ['XinZhaoQThrust2'] = true, ['XinZhaoQThrust3'] = true, ['MasterYiDoubleStrike'] = true,Oh okay I see, just add Reksai and Zeri, correct?
For anyone having issues with Zeri for patch 12.2, please update with the following file.
thx got it
This one works against Zeri, if you need: https://cdn.discorda...GGOrbwalker.lua
had the same issue a few times today where everything worked fine apart from spacebar (both combo and auto attack) just stopped working.
Anyone had similar issue ?
had the same issue a few times today where everything worked fine apart from spacebar (both combo and auto attack) just stopped working.
Anyone had similar issue ?
Yeah, I had the same issue today a few times. First time it's ever happened to me. I have everything updated, Combo's stopped working... I closed out a few times and reloaded and it worked.
Yeah, I had the same issue today a few times. First time it's ever happened to me. I have everything updated, Combo's stopped working... I closed out a few times and reloaded and it worked.
yea first time its ever happened to me also.
orbwalker does not recognize enemy targets is there a solution? every game start I have to restart the loader to normalize
Ezreal Auto Q just spamm click when the spell is not ready ? pls fix ! its happened when league updated to 12.3
Ezreal Auto Q just spamm click when the spell is not ready ? pls fix ! its happened when league updated to 12.3
ok its not just me then
yeh ez seems broken
Should be fixed gamsteron tested it again, something was off with api now should be fine.
Should be fixed gamsteron tested it again, something was off with api now should be fine.
tested and its fixed.
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