The next script will be Gangplank, he is currently under development. Stay tuned!
The next script will be Gangplank, he is currently under development. Stay tuned!
I've been fiddling around with Annie lately and am a little confused on the Ninja mode. Is it supposed to automatically flash?
I've been fiddling around with Annie lately and am a little confused on the Ninja mode. Is it supposed to automatically flash?
Yes, this option can also be toggled off. It will also not flash if the target is close enough.
The ninja is supposed to be a hard-engage that catches people off guard.
Yes, this option can also be toggled off. It will also not flash if the target is close enough.
The ninja is supposed to be a hard-engage that catches people off guard.
My issue is I couldn't get it to do anything. I get the text saying it's active when I hold down the hot key (which I did rebind; not sure if that makes a difference), but I couldn't get it to do anything other than move my character. I'll do some more testing though.
My issue is I couldn't get it to do anything. I get the text saying it's active when I hold down the hot key (which I did rebind; not sure if that makes a difference), but I couldn't get it to do anything other than move my character. I'll do some more testing though.
Make sure default orbwalker is disabled but ggorbwalker is enabled and if your keyboard is Q W E R set your keys like this:
If A Z E R then like this:
Then there will be no reason to have any issues
I've been fiddling around with Annie lately and am a little confused on the Ninja mode. Is it supposed to automatically flash?
I was able to get this to work no problem in a practice game. Try out a practice game, spawn a dummy, make sure you have your ult and stun up and it should engage with flash and tibbers.
Make sure default orbwalker is disabled but ggorbwalker is enabled and if your keyboard is Q W E R set your keys like this:
If A Z E R then like this:
Then there will be no reason to have any issues
Yeah brotha man, everything is set properly, has been since I've used GOS.
I was able to get this to work no problem in a practice game. Try out a practice game, spawn a dummy, make sure you have your ult and stun up and it should engage with flash and tibbers.
I still haven't gotten a chance to test it out. I'll try later today if I'm not busy.
karthus is very good won so much as supp with him
That's awesome to hear <3
If everything stays on track, Gangplank will be released this week. This has been a massive undertaking, stay tuned!
Veigar updated with the new 13.7 values!
karthus crashing everytime i respawn 13.7
Will test right now.
Edit: Unable to replicate this issue, tested with 5 bots. I just recently did some library updates, so please make sure you are on the latest version of everything. The current Killer Library is on version 2.23
Alright I found the issue out, turns out myHero.dead is returning true even if Karthus is alive. This is a GoS API bug that Fere will just have to resolve. Seems to only affect Karthus for some reason.
Alright I found the issue out, turns out myHero.dead is returning true even if Karthus is alive. This is a GoS API bug that Fere will just have to resolve. Seems to only affect Karthus for some reason.
Now it should be fine, Feretorix pushed a fix for it. Lemme know if it's fine
It appears to be fixed, hooray!
Gangplank is released! Please see the main post for details.
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